Thursday, December 29, 2011

2012 New Year's Resolution 9 Tips: # 9. "I will make My Body Strong & My Mind Healthy by Eating Unprocessed Foods

Nine Keys To Health And Happiness In The New Year | ThirdAge: "Our bodies weren't built to withstand the rapid changes we've witnessed in our food industry. The hunting and gathering we once did has turned into drive-throughs, super-sized meals, and chemically laden foods our organs don't have the ability to use or process. Eating the right amounts of carbohydrates, fats, and protein based on ancient genetics keeps you from eating either too little or too much, both of which cause us to hold onto unwanted and unnecessary body fat. Drink lots of water and eat whole, unprocessed foods. "

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2012 New Year's Resolution 9 Tips: #8 "I will Slow Down to Get Faster"

Nine Keys To Health And Happiness In The New Year | ThirdAge: "n the modern world, most people feel they must push their bodies and souls to the limit to make any gains in fitness, or in life. Slowing down allows your body to run more efficiently. Apply small focused changes that are gradual versus intense."

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2012 New Year's Resolution 9 Tips: # 7. "I will Surround Myself of People I want to Live with"

Nine Keys To Health And Happiness In The New Year | ThirdAge: "Asking for a healthy soul but choosing unsupportive friends will only prevent you from finding peace. Asking for a fit body, but eating junk foods, will only sabotage your own success. Surround yourself with actions, thoughts, and people who will empower you and allow you to achieve your personal success."

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2012 New Year's Resolution 9 Tips: #6. "I will Know & Set my Quest"

Nine Keys To Health And Happiness In The New Year | ThirdAge: "To get somewhere, you first have to know where you want to go. What physical goals are you striving toward? What kind of person do you want to become? Having these answers sets your intentions, helps focus your efforts, and provides you with tangible ways to measure the results. Set small goals. Set yourself up for success; for example, schedule your workouts at a time when you'll be most likely to do them. Turn your attention away from negative thoughts."

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2012 New Year's Resolution 9 Tips: #5. "I will Honor Myself"

Nine Keys To Health And Happiness In The New Year | ThirdAge: ". Self-love is the best way to honor yourself, and the most immediate tool you can use to fortify yourself against negative emotions like fear or self-doubt. Learning to honor and love yourself instantly transforms "need" into "peace." One of the factors that eats away at self-love is boredom--boredom with work, boredom with your own repetitious behaviors, boredom with life. Try to find what's new in the old; seek out new ways of thinking and behaving. Draw strength, support, and affirmation from community."

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2012 New Year's Resolution 9 Tips: #4. I will Reconnect with the Spiritual Side of Nature

Nine Keys To Health And Happiness In The New Year | ThirdAge: "Who hasn't been touched by a rose in bloom or trees coming to life in the springtime? Having a sense that you and Mother Earth have a special relationship lets you know that everything is as it should be, which makes our souls happy. The more you connect to nature, the more open you will be to its wisdom and calming influence."

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2012 New Year's Resolution 9 Tips: #3. I will Transform My Fear, Anger & Jealousy

Nine Keys To Health And Happiness In The New Year | ThirdAge: "Good thoughts lead us to incredible awareness and experiences. Olympic athletes know this, which is why they psych themselves up before a big event. Each day brings personal "Olympic moments"--for instance, an important meeting, a big workout, a tough but necessary talk with a friend, or a commitment to a daily spiritual practice. Fear, anger, and jealousy hinder our optimal performance. Bite off a smaller chunk of tasks that seem overwhelming. Get perspective on the real significance of your troubles and reactions by being out in nature. Accept the fact that challenge is normal and life is not controllable."

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2012 New Year's Resolution 9 Tips: #2 "I Will Quiet My Mind"

Nine Keys To Health And Happiness In The New Year | ThirdAge: "Ignoring external chatter and focusing on one thought or a single repetition is an extremely effective tool for dissipating emotional stress and helping shift negative thoughts. Learning to quiet your mind also helps to reduce cortisol levels in your body and increase DHEA, a feel-good hormone that promotes feeling of serenity. Quieting your mind can help you sleep better, eat more healthfully, and keep work and life pressures in perspective. One of the best ways to quiet your mind is to exercise, especially outside"

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2012 New Year's Resolution Tips: # 1. "I will Balance My Responses to Stress"

Nine Keys To Health And Happiness In The New Year | ThirdAge: "Chronic stress produces high cortisol levels that don't go away. Chronically high cortisol will make you sick, physically and emotionally. Stress can come from multiple sources including these six: negative emotions, too little sleep, poor diet, overwork, toxic chemicals, and inflammation. The antidote for stress is balance. Look at each of these six stress triggers individually and work on finding small ways to reduce excesses and achieve more balance in each area. Seek more laughter, calmness, and clarity in your life."

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tip: Being Responsible with Other People teaches us how to be more Careful with our own Life & Be Better Caretaker of our Self

10 Ways to Beat the Blues | ThirdAge: "Stay Connected with Friends and Family
Fighting off guilt after spending an hour on Facebook? New research suggests staying connected with friends and family isnt only good for the latest gossip, its actually good for your mental health. When someone is connected to a group and feels responsibility to other people, that sense of purpose and meaning translates to taking better care of themselves and taking fewer risks," explains Julianne Holt-Lunstad, a psychologist at Brigham Young University."

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Tip: Try Something New. Variation in Daily Routine can help fight the Blues

10 Ways to Beat the Blues | ThirdAge: "Try Something New
Whether trying a new dish for dinner, or a listening to a new playlist on your way to work, variation in your daily routine can help the blues. "When you're unhappy, known things, familiar things lose their appeal. Novelty, on the other hand, becomes more attractive," explains Piotr Winkielman, psychology professor at the University of California San Diego."

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Tip: daily Exercise can help fight anxiety & can improve your mood

10 Ways to Beat the Blues | ThirdAge: "While the thought of exercise can sound like a downer to a couch potato, research suggests getting your butt to the gym might just put a smile on your face. Daily exercise can help you fight depression, anxiety, and generally improve your mood, so turn off the TV and move!"

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Tip: Meditation shifts Brain Waves fr Stress-Prone Right Frontal Cortex of Brain to More Relaxed Left Frontal Cortex- reducing mild depression

10 Ways to Beat the Blues | ThirdAge: "Dating back centuries, meditation is a staple technique to fight stress, but new research suggests this behavior can even lighten your mood. A recent study at the University of Massachusetts found that meditation shifts brain waves from the stress-prone right frontal cortex of our brain, to the more relaxed, left frontal cortex, reducing stress, mild depression, and even anxiety."

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Healthy Body Tip: List of Vitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids that Support Healing

Neal M. Blitz, D.P.M., F.A.C.F.A.S.: What Vitamins Should You Take Before Surgery?:
"Vitamin C: Necessary to build and rebuild collagen throughout the body. Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant that supports the immune response.

Vitamin A: Supports immune system functioning and aids collagen strength. Also required for bone development.

Zinc: An essential trace mineral used in enzymatic reactions involved in tissue and wound healing, regeneration and repair.

Vitamin K: Aids the natural blood clotting response and is important for bone health.

B-Vitamins: Cellular metabolism, tissue repair and immune support.

Vitamin D & Calcium: Important for bone health.

Magnesium: Mineral involved in approximately 300 biochemical reactions.

Amino Acids (L-Arginine, L-Glutamine): Two key amino acids for wound repair and immune function."

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wellness Tip for Peace: Good Friends Can Keep You Healthy

Good Friends Can Keep You Healthy | ThirdAge: "An Australian study conducted by the Centre for Aging at Flinders University followed nearly 1,500 older people for 10 years. It found that those who had a large network of friends outlived by 22 percent those with the fewest friends.

The authors of the study suspect that good friends discourage unhealthy habits such as smoking and heavy drinking. And the companionship provided by friends may ward off depression, boost self-esteem, and provide support. As you might have noticed in your own life, when we age, we become more selective in our choice of friends; so we spend more time with people we truly like. Thus, our friendships tend to be less stressful than they might have been when we were younger."

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Tip: Eat Omega Rich Foods & Exercise to Beat SADness (Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

How to Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder Page 3 | ThirdAge: "Eat a diet rich in Omega3s and other essential nutrients. Get enough sleep.  And – you knew this was coming – exercise regularly. An active lifestyle helps releases your endorphins and increase your levels of serotonin and melatonin"

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Tip: Take time to Meditate & Allot time to Socialize to beat SADness (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

How to Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder Page 2 | ThirdAge: "Mind-body therapies Many people say they are helped by acupuncture, Yoga, meditation, and massage therapy. These treatments are certainly worth a try. Socialize Sitting home alone and brooding will only worsen your mood. Push yourself to get out and about. Having a good laugh with friends and family"

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Tip: Expose yourself to BRIGHT LIGHT & Beat SADness (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

How to Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder Page 2 | ThirdAge: "Light therapy Also called phototherapy, this involves sitting a few feet from a box that exposes you to a special light that can increase the levels of the brain chemicals that have been depleted. You'll generally need two to four days of this to feel a difference. "

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Why are you SAD? Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

How to Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder | ThirdAge: "Circadian rhythms are disrupted. Your body's internal biological clock that lets you know when you should sleep and when you should wake up is thrown out of kilter. The resulting sleep disturbances and feelings of disorientation can contribute to depression. 

Serotonin and melatonin levels plummet.The supply of two of your brain's most important "happy chemicals" dwindles during the long, dark days of winter. That may trigger symptoms such as anxiety, hopelessness, fatigue, worthlessness, irritability, trouble concentrating, memory lapses, restlessness, and loss of interest or pleasure in activities you typically enjoy."

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wellness Tip for Peace: Letting Go of Grudge: You can't change what happened, but you can change your attitude & interpretation of what happened

"FORGIVE. Remind yourself that you’re not perfect. How many times have you made a mistake? Finally, letting go of a grudge doesn’t mean you’re condoning a hurtful action, or excusing bad behavior, it means you’re moving on so that you can put emotional control back in your own hands."

'via Blog this'Eight Ways To Let Go Of A Grudge Page 2 | ThirdAge:

Dressing Up Tip: Look Good for Less: Rule of Thumb for Saving: Estimate how many Seasons your going to Wear that for...

"In the business world, men are often judged by their shoes while women are judged on their handbags. Men need to stay away from the gum-soled shoes and splurge for a good pair of shoes that can be repaired and be kept polished. Women can go with one or two good pairs of pumps but can save money on the trendy shoes that come and go with each passing fashion season."

'via Blog this'5 Ways to Look Good for Less | ThirdAge:

Monday, December 12, 2011

Wellness Tip: Prevent Heart Attack: Your Belly Size should be Less than Half of Your Height

Best Health Advice From Dr. Oz Page 3 | ThirdAge: "He pointed out that the endurance you have at 17 can be maintained through physical exercise until you are 65. And he gave a tip that your belly size should be less than half of your height. The big issue, he said, is how much muscle you have compared to how much fat you have. “Muscles burn calories even when they are not exercising. You must do exercise including weight lifting, exercises with deep breathing like yoga, tai chi.” He concluded that to keep your bones strong, your brain cells functioning, and to live long and maintain your strength, you must exercise at every stage of your life. "

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

External Beauty Tips: For Healthy & Younger Looking Skin

> "Get a little rough. “To keep skin cells active and awake, gently slap your face all over. This strategy improves circulation, which in turn helps remove toxic wastes,” reveals Dr. Obagi. “Your skin is pretty resilient—it can handle more than a little pinkie tap.”

> Shorten your shower. “Hot water sucks the life out of skin, promoting water and electrolyte loss,” Dr. Obagi explains. “When your skin is dehydrated, it becomes taut and irritated and looks older. Cleanse with tepid water, and shower only once a day. Keep showers speedy—10 minutes, max—and apply a good body lotion while your skin is still damp.”"

'via Blog this' Surprising Tips From a Top Dermatologist | ThirdAge:

> Reverse your age overnight. “Some of the best skincare ingredients are deactivated by sunlight, so it’s pointless to apply them during the day,” Dr. Obagi says. “At night, your skin cells renew themselves with retinol, surface repair agents, and anti-inflammatory agents. My Ommerse Overnight Recovery CrĆØme does the work for you as you sleep by employing ceramides to rebuild the skin’s barrier function and protect against inflammation.”

> Catch some beauty Zzz’s. “Getting fewer than 7-8 hours of sleep will cause premature aging, as well as dark circles and puffiness under the eyes,” Dr. Obagi cautions. “Your skin will look much more relaxed and healthy if you’re well rested.”

Zein Obagi, M.D., a Diplomat at the American Board of Dermatology and a Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology, is world-renowned for his unique approach to anti-aging skin care. He has maintained a practice at his Obagi Skin Health Institute in Beverly Hills since 1981. Dr. Obagi created ZO Skin Health and his original Obagi Nu-Derm System which he has taught to other dermatologists in training sessions around the globe. Please

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tip: To be Physically Fit, Mentally Calm & Emotionally Steady, Accept that Everything Changes but Maintain "Point of Reference Acknowledging Changes"

"The awareness that everything changes -- the body undergoes changes and so does the mind -- brings a sense of equanimity within us. The mind is the sense of perception in our consciousness and the thoughts that change all the time. Likewise, the intellect, memory, and ego also change with time. But there is something within us that does not change -- it is the point of reference through which we are able to recognize that everything else changes. This subtlest, unchanging aspect of our existence is the self. The ancient science of Ayurveda deems that a person cannot be called truly healthy, until one is in touch with this subtlest aspect, and there is harmony among the different layers of existence. This knowledge of the self helps one live in the present moment and be in a state of perfect health."

'via Blog this'Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: 5 Steps to Healthier Living:

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Wellness Tip for Peace: Holidays are Demanding. Practice Mindfulness Relaxation & Have Healthy Distraction to Manage Stress Level & Avoid Addictions

"In addition to the holidays, we live in a society where there are multiple demands on us almost all the time. We need to put greater emphasis on protective factors like sitting down with the family or exercising or putting away all the electronic devices. We also need to focus on mindfulness which we all do in some form or another. Having hobbies is one as well as relaxation. They all provide healthy distractions on stress and allow us to focus on oneself. So as you struggle to find the best bargains, what meals to prepare and who to invite for the holidays, you should take a moment to remember what the holidays is about. It is to share joy with friends, families and others. Make sure you take breathers in your busy schedules to practice stress reductions techniques"

'via Blog this'Healthy Living: Holiday Stress - WABI TV5:

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Wellness for Peace Tip: Hugs, eye contact and kisses grow new neurons, and connect them in healthy ways to other neurons to strengthen relationship

"Studies show they also reduce stress, enhance the immune system, lower blood pressure, and in general affect positive feel-good changes to your mood. The release of hormones, such as oxytocin, endorphins, serotonin, and dopamime, among others, nourishes the cells of the body and makes partners feel-good in relation to one another. In couple relationships, they also strengthen the emotional connection, and increase the desire of each partner to repeat more of the love-response behaviors. You can literally kiss, hug, and use your eyes and touch, to energize and amp up your love experience."

'via Blog this'20 Ways to Amp Up The Love (Boost Oxytocin Naturally) In Your Couple Relationship | Neuroscience and Relationships:

Philippines: It is Mindanao where the barangay justice system is most important

"At the gathering called BJP End of Congress held the other day in Davao City, the LGUs of Maguindanao, Tawi-tawi, Davao del Sur, Cotabato, Saranggani, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, and Zamboanga Sibugay have donated almost P8 million pesos for the expansion of BJP activities, especially in the barangays where the impact is still not felt. BJP is a 2-year program under the Mindanao Peace and Development Program of US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Mindanao Development Authority (MinDA), and is implemented by the Gerry Roxas Foundation. It aims to reduce violent conflicts in Mindanao barangays and strengthen alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in the barangays. After two years, the program was able to train and mobilize not less than 3,000 barangay justice advocates all over their target municipalities and cities, and have resolved roughly 11,000 community conflicts. Gloria Steele, USAID Mission Director expressed her appreciation for the commitments made by the LGUs representatives to sustain and replicate the program."

'via Blog this'[PIA News] Mindanao LGUs commit to bring community peace in more barangays:Gloria Steele, USAID Mission Director expressed her appreciation for the commitments made by the LGUs representatives to sustain and replicate the program.

“I have worked for USAID for almost 30 years, and we have always wondered if anything that we have started will ever be sustained. This is the first time that I hear, straight from the officials that they will continue a project,” Steel said.

Department of Interior and Local Government Secretary Jesse Robredo also noted during the congress that in the entire Philippines, it is Mindanao where the barangay justice system is most important.

“A peaceful nation can move forward faster, we hope that more barangays can benefit from this kind of program,” he added.

One of the highlights of the congress is the oath taking of the Mindanao Consortium for Barangay Justice Advocates, which serves the sustainability strategy of the BJP program. This consortium was organized by the Gerry Roxas Foundation in partnership with the 8 LGU partners.

“Let us rally behind each other to achieve piece. They have already started something, let’s continue it,” encouraged MinDA Chair Luwalhati Antonino.

Antonino said that programs such as BJP is a beautiful legacy that people, especially government officials should support and replicate. (MinDa)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Wellness Tip for Peace: Self Control: When we know how to control ourselves, we learn how to manage bigger responsibilities outside ourselves

Self-control stems from the powers of the soul, which all of us possess. The Talmud tells us that a person's greatness or inferiority is recognizable when he gets angry. The logical person does not lose control of himself. It's like a pressure cooker that has a little hole on the top to release the pressure. If you didn't have that little hole, the pot would explode. One should not bottle up his emotions, because that will cause mental anguish. However, although you have to speak, your tone of voice and how you say things make the difference. Building a [successful life] requires self-control and knowing how and when to speak. We sometimes lose control of ourselves and out of anger, say things that we later regret. Many times the regret does not rectify the damage that was done."

'via Blog this'A Lesson From Queen Esther -

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wellness for Peace Tip: Take Healthy Snacks to Replenish Energy on Rigid Trainings

"Some of the best snack foods include peanut butter, nuts, whole-grain crackers, pretzels, sunflower seeds, granola bars, orange slices, bagels, graham crackers, string cheese and raisins. Tomato juice and chocolate milk also make excellent snacks!

'via Blog this'Healthy Snacks and Nutrition for High School Athletes - High School - Yahoo! Sports:

Wellness for Peace Tip: Be Grateful & Tell People in Your Life You Love Them!

"Be grateful. A lot. Every day. Sure, it’s the theme of Thanksgiving, but it’s also just good for your health. Every one of us can be thankful for something every day. I have a note on the inside of my medicine cabinet above the sink that says, “Be Grateful.” It’s a constant reminder to tap into a feeling of gratitude each morning>>> Tell the people in your life you love them. Take the time to acknowledge friends and family as being special to you. It’s one thing to get them a card or a gift. It's another thing to say it. Take the time to tell them how much they mean to you. You’ll be amazed at how good it makes you feel."<<<

'via Blog this'Tips for Staying Healthy During the Holidays - Chatsworth, CA Patch:

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Wellness for Peace: Don't Just walk Away. Speak & Be Thankful to the Person. Gratitude block Toxins & Heal Relationships

"Medical experts agree, putting acts of gratitude into practice all year round can help block toxic emotions like envy, resent, regret, hostility and depression and boost the immune system as well. "Unmanaged stress increases the toxins in the body. If they remain elevated they can suppress the immune system and sap one of emotional energy. If one has an attitude of contentment and gratitude that can reduce the high level of stress and decrease the risk of depression, hostility and regret," said Dr Brennen. Medical research shows that the body produces potentially harmful hormones when it is exposed to constant arguments.
Dr Brennen said hormones like epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol and prolactin, when elevated in the blood for an extended period, can suppress the immune system and open the door for illness. "It is true that a heart of gratitude would mean a positive outlook on life, thus causing one to have healthy lifestyle habits that increase longevity. Diet is not the only right thing to do to produce good health. We also need gratitude," said Dr Brennen."

'via Blog this'The Tribune:

Wellness for Peace: Be Thankful to all we Encounter. Don't Just Walk Away, Say Thank You Personally. Gratitude block Toxins & Heal Relationships

"Medical experts agree, putting acts of gratitude into practice all year round can help block toxic emotions like envy, resent, regret, hostility and depression and boost the immune system as well. "Unmanaged stress increases the toxins in the body. If they remain elevated they can suppress the immune system and sap one of emotional energy. If one has an attitude of contentment and gratitude that can reduce the high level of stress and decrease the risk of depression, hostility and regret," said Dr Brennen. Medical research shows that the body produces potentially harmful hormones when it is exposed to constant arguments. Dr Brennen said hormones like epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol and prolactin, when elevated in the blood for an extended period, can suppress the immune system and open the door for illness.
"It is true that a heart of gratitude would mean a positive outlook on life, thus causing one to have healthy lifestyle habits that increase longevity. Diet is not the only right thing to do to produce good health. We also need gratitude," said Dr Brennen."

'via Blog this'The Tribune:

Wellness for Peace: How to Heal: Pray. Say What You Mean & Mean What You Say. Apologize. Be Kind to Say "No" to Demands You Can't Do & Let Go

"Letting go is hard. It is painful to have to deal with someone you love being angry with you. It is painful when someone you love is in pain. It is painful to watch someone you love make destructive choices. It is scary to let go of trying to control their reactions. If you continue to feel responsible for how others react to your "no", however, you are agreeing to be a part of an unhealthy relationship based in distorted concepts of responsibility. Your only hope for a healthy relationship is to continue to work toward breaking your own patterns of unhealthy responsibility.
Fortunately for those who want to transform unhealthy responsibility into healthy responsibility, there are internal signals that alert you when you are possibly falling prey to misconceptions about responsibility. Two of those signals are guilt and resentment. Guilt and/or resentment often reflect an anxiety around saying no that comes from feeling responsible for the other person's reaction. When you feel guilt and/or resentment, you have an opportunity to reflect on whether you are fulfilling your responsibilities in no saying. If so, you must try, try, try … to let go."

'via Blog this'Healthy Parent / Healthy Child, Part Three: Saying no (kindly) and then let go |

Monday, November 28, 2011

Wellness for Peace Tips on How to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

1. Get daily physical activity. Exercise improves the action of insulin, moving glucose out of the bloodstream and into tissues where it can be used for energy; 2. Maintain a healthy weight. If you are overweight, the more pounds you lose, the lower your chances of developing diabetes. Talk with your doctor about what your optimum weight should be, and how to achieve it.; 3. Eat a diet low in refined carbohydrates, and incorporate fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and monounsaturated fats (such as olive oil) into your diet.; 4. Manage your health. Get regular checkups for blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and seek treatment if necessary."

'via Blog this'Early Signs and Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes Page 2 | ThirdAge: "How to do it:

Wellness for Peace Tip: Eat Fiber Rich Food & Lower Your Cholesterol

Soluble fiber, found in beans, peas, prunes, apples, flaxseed and oats, helps to lower blood cholesterol levels by reducing the amount of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the "bad" kind of cholesterol. Studies have shown that consuming between 10 to 25 grams of soluble fiber each day can lower cholesterol by nearly 20 percent. Make sure to get at least five to ten grams of soluble fiber per day to get the benefit."

'via Blog this'Five Secret Benefits Of Fiber | ThirdAge: "

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wellness for Peace Tip: If conflicts are not settled during engagement period, don't marry. Read Signs that Conflicts are settled below:

Right & Wrong Reasons to Get Married
Wrong Reason #1: Sexual attractionToo many people confuse sexual attraction with love and that can lead to a short-lived marriage, explains Michele Weiner Davis, a Boulder, Colo.-based therapist and author of "The Sex-Starved Marriage" and "The Sex-Starved Wife" (published in January 2008). "The novelty of being with someone will turn on anyone," she says. When the sexual attraction wanes, if there's no mutual trust and a joint view of the future, the marriage fades as well. Her advice is clear: sexual attraction between two people is a good thing and energizes the marriage. But if the foundation isn't based on strong communication and shared values, the chances of a long-lasting marriage based solely on animal attraction aren't good.

Right Reason #1: You are good at working out your differences.Research indicates that one common theme among long-lasting marriages involves an ability to work out conflict. "All relationships have conflicts," Davis says. The couples that can talk out their differences, surmount the conflict, and agree on a compromise last. The partners that trigger anger and resentment in one another or are unable to talk about their differences often can't sustain marriage.

Wrong Reason #2: Escaping the familyMany single people feel stuck living at home. When a potential mate appears, they often leap at the opportunity to extricate themselves from their parents' home and get engaged. Often it doesn't matter to them if their potential mate is a good match because of their need to separate from their parents. "There are many ways to escape a family. Making a lifelong commitment with someone who isn't a worthy partner isn't the best choice," Davis notes.

Right Reason #2: Sharing common interestsIf married couples share common interests, it engenders closeness and mutual experiences. Experts say that couples don't have to share all common interests, but having enough of them encourages spending time together, a key ingredient to a successful marriage. Those commonalities can be as varied as spending time with their children, loving travel, following sports, as long as they both appreciate something together, Davis says.

Wrong Reason #3: The infatuation syndromeToo many people confuse infatuation with love, suggests Barbara Bartlein, author of "Why Did I Marry You Anyway? Overcoming the Myths that Hinder a Happy Marriage." Infatuation is defined as a fleeting feeling for someone, whereas love is long lasting and is based on trust and commitment. "Infatuation is instantaneous and some experts suggest can be hormonal," Bartlein states. Love has patience whereas infatuation has a sense of urgency and often that urgency fades. When marriages are based on infatuation, "When the zing is gone, they assume they married the wrong person and go looking again," she adds.

Right Reason #3: Your partner fills your needs, not your wants"Too many people get married for what they want instead of what they need," Bartlein says. For example, Bartlein herself reads many novels and would love to discuss fiction with her husband, except this genre doesn't interest him. Nonetheless, they have a solid marriage because she needs someone who is reliable, trustworthy, works hard. Marrying someone who meets her needs has enabled this marriage to last.

Wrong Reason #4: You think getting married will solve your problemsIf your mate easily gets angry with you and frequently loses control, it can be a telltale sign that problems in the marriage are right around the corner. But many people ignore the signs. "They see signs of troubled behavior but think it will get better when they get married," Bartlein says. Often if this irascible or abusive behavior occurs in the engagement period, it will only get worse after marriage, unless the person is in counseling or therapy. "Some people think they will fix it after they get married. Anything that is mildly annoying will be extremely annoying after you say I do,'" she says.

Right Reason #4: Your plans for the future line upTalking about a couple's expectations of the future is one of the surest ways of making sure you're both on the same page and share common values that can sustain a marriage, Davis says. Many couples don't talk about whether they want to have kids, where they're going to live, whether they'll be a one or two career household. "Some people think things will work out magically when they get married, but that won't happen," she notes. The more you discuss your common visions for the future, the greater the chances the marriage will last.

Wrong Reason #5: You're head-over-heels in loveFalling in love, too many people get blinded and don't really get to know their mate, asserts Terri L. Orbuch, who runs the weekly "Love Doctor" call-in show at FOX-TV in Detroit and also serves as director of the Early Years of Marriage Project at the University of Michigan. What really keeps people together is "their friendship, intimacy and support," Orbuch says. If you ask yourself, "If I lost my job or had a medical scare, whom would I go to for support," that answer might reveal the real love of your life.

Right Reason #5: You make each other feel specialOne factor in successful marriages is making your partner feel special and worthy, particularly for men, Orbuch says. Because the friendships men establish often don't have the depth of women's relationships, men depend more on their spouse to feel special. When women say, "I love you, you make my life exciting," or make their mate their favorite dessert, it goes a long way to affirming their mate and contributing to a happy marriage, she says.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Wellness for Peace Tip: How to Make Others Listen to You

1. Puncture Your Own Ego; 2. Don’t Be Needy; 3. Tell Someone (Nicely) What She Has to Lose; 4. Throw a Curveball in Conversation (Have a break by showing what the person is interested in); 5. Reiterate the Other Person’s Argument

Tip: Ways on How to Get Relief from Arthritis

Try Tai ChiThe slow, rhythmic moves of Tai Chi, a Chinese style of martial arts, has been shown to ease the pain of arthritis in the knees and improve physical functioning in people over the age of 65, according to research conducted at Tufts University."

Walk RegularlyIn a recent study, researchers from Australia found that arthritis sufferers who walked 1,500 steps, twice a day, three days a week, had significantly less arthritis pain and improved physical functionStrengthen Your Quadriceps (If Youre a Woman)

The knee is the joint most commonly affected by arthritis, but strong quadriceps muscles seem to lessen the pain. University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics researchers found that women, especially, had a lower incidence of pain and stiffness in their knees when they strengthened their quadriceps muscles.

'via Blog this'4 Ways to Get Arthritis Pain Relief | ThirdAge

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Wellness Tip for Peace: Pamper Yourself with Long Sleep on Weekends & You Reward Yourself with Healthy Waistline as You Burn Calories Better Sleeping

8 Things That Are Making You Fat | ThirdAge: "New research suggests sleepless nights don’t just ruin your mood the next day—they could also damage your waistline. Researchers at the New York Obesity Nutrition Research Center at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital found that while sleepy folks seem to burn the same number of calories as well-rested people, they consume about 300 more calories a day."

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Wellness Tip for Peace: Do not Combat Stress with Food. Activate the Reward Center of Your Brain w/ Workouts that will Not Make You Fat.

"When you have chronic stress, your body steps up its production of cortisol and insulin. Your appetite increases, and so do the chances you’ll engage in “hedonistic” eating in the form of high-calorie sweets and fats. When you try to combat stress with food, you activate the reward center of your brain. After that initial feel-good spell wears off, you’ll reach again for the same thing that made you feel good, calm, and relaxed in the first place: more food. "

'via Blog this'8 Things That Are Making You Fat | ThirdAge:

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wellness for Peace Tip: De-Stress: Sit Still

Numerous scientific studies show meditation is one of the best ways to relax your mind and body and enable you to counter the effects of stress. There are several different techniques for meditating. You can just sit quietly and “watch” your breath, or repeat a word. If you’re feeling too edgy for the silence, play relaxing music in the background. If you start worrying about something, watch the thought and then imagine it’s a cloud passing by. Whatever type of meditation you choose, ultimately it will help you connect to the present and cultivate a calmer attitude."

'via Blog this'Five Fun Ways To De-Stress | ThirdAge:

Wellness for Peace Tip: Fun Ways To De-Stress: Watch Fish Swimming

"Researchers have compared the effects of hypnosis vs. an aquarium, “fishless” vs. fish-filled aquariums, and no aquarium vs. having an aquarium. In all cases, having some sort of aquarium reduced blood pressure and stress. Even watching a videotape of fish has been proven to have stress- reducing effects."

'via Blog this'Five Fun Ways To De-Stress Page 2 | ThirdAge:

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Rewiring the Brain to Ease Pain - Focus on What makes You Happy instead on What Makes You Sad

"In studies at Stanford University's Neuroscience and Pain Lab, subjects can watch their own brains react to pain in real-time and learn to control their response—much like building up a muscle. When subjects focused on something distracting instead of the pain, they had more activity in the higher-thinking parts of their brains. When they "re-evaluated" their pain emotionally—"Yes, my back hurts, but I won't let that stop me"—they had more activity in the deep brain structures that process emotion. Either way, they were able to ease their own pain significantly, according to a study in the journal Anesthesiology last month."

'via Blog this'Rewiring the Brain to Ease Pain -

Monday, November 14, 2011

Wellness for Peace: Tips on How To Stop Overthinking

> Envision a happy ending. Praying or meditating on a positive outcome will block confusing or negative thoughts.
> Steer clear of worry buddies, friends who tend to overthink things just as you do. Reaching out to a positive thinker will help you thinking positively, too.
> Look for distractions. When you begin over thinking, get up and change places. Studies show that a new vantage point can be enough to shake you out of a fruitless thought process.
> Keep a handwritten stop sign on your desk or bathroom mirror. Visual clues can cut-down on excessive thinking.
> Get a second opinion. You're used to going it alone, but the old adage Two heads are better than one is a good mantra for you. But decide for yourself in the end because only you knows what you want and what you need. Don't let others decide for you.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Wellness Tip for Peace: Weight Reduction Lowers Cholesterol Levels & Blood Pressure - Reducing Your Risk of Heart Disease

Eating a healthy diet that includes fresh fruits, vegetables, foods low in saturated fats and cholesterol and high in fiber will have a positive impact on the overall health of your heart. And keep your existing medical conditions in check in order to prevent the risk of a heart attack or stroke for example: Have your cholesterol levels checked at least once every five years.
Check your blood pressure on a regular basis; If you have diabetes, check your blood sugar levels on a regular basis; If you are being treated for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes it is essential to take the prescribed medication."

'via Blog this'How Obesity Impacts Heart Disease | ThirdAge: "

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wellness for Peace Tip: Sharpen Your Mind; Tame Your Heart & Ways to Do It

Challenge Your Brain. Competing with yourself or others in challenging activities like crossword puzzles, Scrabble, trivia games, Sudoku, even memorizing your grocery list, will keep your mind sharp.

Sleep On It. If you’re not getting a good seven hours of solid sleep, studies show one of the side effects is poor memory.

Tame Stress. Deep breathing can immediately reduce stress, which dims memory. Meditation, yoga, walks, tai-chi, and therapy are other ways to bring down the worry level.

Eat Right.Certain fruits and vegetables such as broccoli and berries, and foods containing omega 3s, such as olive oil and fish, are especially nourishing to your brain.

Take Your Meds. Physiological conditions, including high cholesterol or blood pressure ,can negatively affect memory. If your doctor has prescribed medication to control these conditions, take them without fail.

Be A Social Butterfly. Studies show a clear connection between social relationships and a sharp mind. The more frequently you’re in contact with friends and family, the more likely your mind will stay active.

'via Blog this'Six Mind-Sharpening Tips | ThirdAge: "

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Wellness for Peace Tip: Cosmetics for Women: When It Comes To Makeup, Less Is More

"Pare down what you put on your face, and you'll look fresher, more modern and prettier. Here's how to look fab in five minutes or less: Apply a little primer, which helps to keep the skin smooth; add a small amount of foundation where needed; blush around the cheekbones; keep eyeliner very thin and follow your natural eyelash line; black mascara on the upper lashes only; use a neutral eye shadow and bring it slightly above your crease; stick with pinkish tones for lips and apply a few dots of pearly highlighter under the brows, above the cheekbones and at the inside corner of eyes. Done."

'via Blog this'10 Health And Fitness Changes That Have The Biggest Impact | ThirdAge:

Wellness for Peace Tip: Be Fearless... Be Informed.. Use your Mind... Laugh Often... Smile Always...Be Brave & You will be Ready for Anything

Be Fearless. Love your life, stay as healthy as you can, move your body, be informed, stay engaged, use your mind, keep a handle on your finances, live with style, be bold, be brave, walk with confidence, laugh often, smile always and you will be ready for anything."

'via Blog this'10 Health And Fitness Changes That Have The Biggest Impact | ThirdAge: "

Monday, November 7, 2011

Wellness for Peace Tip: The best time to consume simple carbs – such as white bread and pasta – is when you need some energy before physical activity

.. then load up on Fiber.. Specific types of fiber in oats, beans, and certain fruits can also help lower the level of cholesterol in your blood. Fiber also causes your intestines move faster, which helps send a signal to your body that you are full. To add more fiber to your diet, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables as well as half a cup of beans each day. Whole grains will also increase your fiber intake. And go easy on White Stuff to minimize the negative effects of carbs, try to eat fewer “white” foods that are refined and processed, like white bread and white rice. Another important thing to cut back on is sugar, which is more rampant than ever in the average American’s diet. Avoid “added sugars,” which come in the form of sweeteners and artificial syrups and are often present in sweetened beverages. Be wary of products labeled “low-fat” or “nonfat,” because these tend to have added sugar as substitute for fat.

'via Blog this'5 Ways to Avoid Bad Carbs Page 2 | ThirdAge: "

Wellness for Peace Tips: Balance Is Key. Healthy Diet involves a good balance of carbohydrates, protein and fats

"While dietary needs differ from person to person, the general consensus is that you should get anywhere from 45-65 percent of your daily calories from complex carbohydrates. The majority of these calories should come from whole grains, beans, and fruits and vegetables. Try to limit your intake of artificially sweetened beverages, refined foods, and desserts. "

'via Blog this'5 Ways to Avoid Bad Carbs Page 3 | ThirdAge:
Whole grains, are generally lower in calories and have longer chains of sugar molecules, meaning that they take more time for the body to break down and use. This lower glycemic load results in more sustained energy throughout the day, rather than the spikes and drops that commonly result from simple carbs. Try making small changes to your diet, such as using brown rice instead of white rice. Other good sources of complex carbs are whole-wheat bread, whole-grain pasta, prunes, apricots, broccoli, onions and legumes.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Do you ever sit for so long at home or work that you start feeling antsy and restless? Studies have shown that if you do a repetitive task too long that doesn’t involve standing up, your brain switches into automatic mode, making you more likely to make errors. Additionally, sitting for hours upon hours increases your risk of fatigue and muscle tension. Combat this by simply talking a stroll around the block, which will help get your blood flowing again."
Five-Minute Health Boosters | ThirdAge: "Go For A Walk Around The Block
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Wellness for Peace Tip: IMPROVE YOUR POSTURE for skeletal aligning & produce balance thinking!

Remember back in your youth when your mother told you repeatedly to sit or stand up straight? It may have been annoying, but she had a good point. Too many adults have poor posture, which can lead to serious health consequences such as spinal curvature and nerve constriction. Good posture helps keep your skeletal system in alignment and your systems functioning. Make sure to sit and stand up straight, keeping your shoulders back. In addition to being good for you, it looks better than slouching!"
Five-Minute Health Boosters | ThirdAge: "Improve Your Posture
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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Forbes magazine's Top 10 List of the world's most powerful people

1. US President Barack Obama
2. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin
3. Chinese President Hu Jintao
4. German Chancellor Angela Merkel
5. Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
6. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
7. Pope Benedict XVI
8. Ben Bernanke, chairman of the US Federal Reserve
9. Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook
10. British Prime Minister David Cameron"
Obama regains top spot in Forbes most powerful list - Yahoo! She Philippines: "
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Tips: Certain foods can help with cholesterol management. What are the Foods to Eat?

"Increase your intake of soy products such as tofu, soy milk, soy protein powder and soy/veggie burgers. Other items for your shopping list: Fruits, Vegetables, Lentils and dried beans,
Fish with omega-3 oils such as salmon, sardines or mackerel,
Flaxseed, Oatmeal"

Tip: Low cholesterol increase your bone strength. What Not to Eat to Prevent High Cholesterol?

"What Not to Eat. The No. 1 foods to avoid? "Anything that is deep-fried," says nutrition director Marlene Lesson, M.S., R.D. "Also, foods containing hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils are the enemy. These include margarine, pastries, packaged cookies, crackers, potato chips and other snack foods." Other foods to give up include cheese and other dairy products, poultry skin (remove it before eating the meat), and red meat other than top round and edge of round."
The Six Best Ways to Prevent High Cholesterol | ThirdAge:
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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tip: Re-grow “dead” brain cells with mushroom and other Food for the Brain

Prevent Alzheimer’s with...cheese. Use ordinary black pepper to keep your memory sharp. Prevent dementia by eating meat, eggs and cereal. Flush memory-robbing toxins out of your body with... bananas. Renew damaged brain cells with...coriander. Slash your risk of dementia by 34% sticks. Reverse brain ageing with...blueberries. Beat “brain fog” by getting more prunes in your diet. Say adios to forgetfulness with...nuts!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hot Flashes. Night sweats. Insomnia. Fatigue. Who wants it? But it will pass. Here are 5 Tips for Natural Relief

Change Your DietEating right during menopause is a crucial part of controlling symptoms such as hot flashes, skin dryness, and sleep problems. First off, avoid alcohol, caffeine and chocolate as much as possible, and try to limit your intake of spicy foods. Any stimulants are sure to bring about hot flashes. Try to eat more plants containing estrogenic substances, such as tofu, oats, brown rice, almonds, garlic, fruits and vegetables. Anything with soy protein will be helpful, since it contains phytochemical compounds called isoflavones, which aid in reducing cholesterol levels and preventing osteoporosis. The high amount of plant estrogens in flaxseed can help regulate hormones during menopause.

Exercise Regularly. Having a normal exercise routine not only significantly reduces hot flashes, it can also help your bones stay strong. One study found that women who lifted weights for 45 minutes twice a week gained one percent in bone density, compared to a control group of women who didn’t exercise at all and lost and average of two percent. Aerobic exercise has also been shown to be very effective in making hot flashes less intense. For variety, try a new group exercise class, such as Zumba or kickboxing."

Take Vitamin CMore than a powerful antioxidant, Vitamin C has also been shown to reduce the risk of depression and fatigue, which can be symptoms of menopause. Vitamin C also helps effectively combat skin problems, weight gain and bone loss experienced by many women during menopause.

MeditateA study showed that women who practiced regular sitting meditation during menopause experienced a significant reduction in the number of hot flashes. Additionally, many women who meditated in the study reported that when they did have hot flashes, they were better able to cope with them. Generally speaking, meditation has been shown to reduce stress and improve quality of life.

Try AcupunctureA recent study showed that traditional Chinese acupuncture was very effective in reducing the severity of hot flashes in menopausal women. It also increased their levels of estrogen. Acupuncture enhances the body’s production of endorphins, which in turn can help stabilize its temperature.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Wellness for Peace: Avoid Jealousy in a Relationship by Using More of Your Emotional & Intellectual Abilities to Build Yourself as an Individual

"Keep in mind that the only reason, the only thing that keeps your partner around you is his desire to be with you. And his desire to be with you comes NOT from your pressure, your being jealous or your attempts to convince him to be faithful to you but from your other qualities that make you attractive and desirable. Your efforts to keep your partner have no positive effect on your relationship. If anything, it might put excess pressure on that person – something that no one enjoys and tolerates for very long. Remember that the best “leash” is the loose one or even better – a total absence thereof"

'via Blog this'Climate Change: Wellness for Peace: » How to Overcome and Abandon Jealousy!: "

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Wellness for Peace Tip: Where to Get Vitamin D After Summer? List of Foods to Eat rich in Vitamin D

Vitamin D (ergocalciferol) promotes a healthy anti-immune system, maintains organs, and promotes bone growth. Salmon and catfish are excellent sources of Vitamin D, as well as eggs and beef liver

Read more: What Is the Purpose of Vitamins? |

Foods to Eat Rich in Vitamin D
Mushrooms100 grams of mushrooms provide some vitamin D so freely toss in your food. But for a biggest boost, Dole produces special Portobello mushrooms that have been exposed to a flash of light to increase the content of the vitamin. One package contains the amount suggested by experts. You can even sprinkle on the benefits with their Portobello Mushroom Powder.

SalmonWith more than 100 IU per ounce salmon tops all other foods for naturally occurring vitamin D.

Oysters½ dozen oysters have over 60% of your daily need.

Halibut3 ounces has 254% of your daily need. Halibut is a firm white fish that has a mild flavor.

Shrimp6 ounces has 64% of your daily needs. As we know from Forrest Gump, there are endless ways to enjoy shrimp.

CodFor being a relatively mild-tasting fish, Cod has a commendable 18% of your daily need for the vitamin in 6 ounces.

Egg1 large egg has 4% of your daily value, but you need to include the yolk.

CheeseSwiss – 1 ounce has 3%
Parmesan – 1 ounces has 2%
Cheddar – 1 ounce has 1%

Fortified productsFortified milk, soy milk and tofu are also additional sources.

Vitamin D may be difficult to get enough of if you dislike fish or don't eat it frequently enough. Get your levels checked and discuss supplementation with your doctor.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wellness for Peace: Tips to Curb Depression with Food

Yes to Complex-Carb Rich Foods!

Make sure every meal contains some complex-carbohydrate rich foods. Cut back on sugar-containing foods. Replace refined sweets with nutrient-packed foods, such as fresh fruit, crunchy vegetables, whole grain bagels, or low-fat yogurt.

Keep Your Body Hydrated with Water

Cut back on caffeine from coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, colas, and medications. Drink more water instead.

Think Green

Increase dietary intake of vitamin B6 by including several servings daily of chicken, legumes, fish, bananas, avocados, and dark green leafy vegetables. Also, include at least two folic acid-rich foods in the diet, such as spinach, broccoli, orange juice, and chard.

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Wellness for Peace: How to Curb Depression?

Depression also can be a symptom of other problems, so always consult a physician if emotional problems persist or interfere long-term with your quality of life and health. In the meantime, keep in mind that what you choose to sooth your hunger, also will be fueling your mood."

Exercise Regularly

Remember that what you eat is only part of the blues battle. Regular exercise, effective coping skills, a strong social support system, and limiting or avoiding alcohol, cigarettes, and medications that compound an emotional problem are also important considerations.

Take your Vitamins

Take a moderate-dose multiple vitamin and mineral supplement to fill in any nutritional gaps.

Dont Overwhelm Yourself

Make changes gradually. Select two or three small changes and practice these until they are comfortable. This will assure long-term success in sticking with your plan and will allow your brain chemistry time to adjust to the new eating style, without throwing your brain's appetite- control chemicals into a tailspin.

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Wellness for Peace: How to Lift a bad mood? TOUCH SOMEONE & LAUGH TO YOUR HEART'S DESIRE!

"Human touch increases the production of endorphins, growth hormone, and DHEA, all of which lengthen your life span and lower the negative impact of stress. Studies have found that patients who are regularly touched recover faster than those who are not touched. So give someone a hug and feel both of your moods improve."
Climate Change: Wellness for Peace: How to Lift a BAD MOOD?:
'via Blog this'"Laugh Therapy," pioneered by Norman Cousins, has turned out to have real substance. Research has discovered that laughter and joy boost immune functions, especially the production of the natural killer cells that help defend the body from illness and cancer.

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