Saturday, August 27, 2011

Personality Development Tips: 8 Ways to Use Your Mind to Live Longer

8 Ways to Use Your Mind to Live Longer: "Your genes change. Here's the real slap-your-forehead news: In a study in PLoS ONE, Dr. Benson compared the genes of 38 people, half of whom meditated regularly and half of whom never did. Controlling for other factors, he found that genes associated with stress-related illness behaved differently in the two groups. "These genes control not only stress but also premature aging and inflammation," he says. It seems meditators' genes were essentially telling their body to stress less and age more slowly."

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Personality Development Tips: MEDITATE - 8 Ways to Use Your Mind to Live Longer

8 Ways to Use Your Mind to Live Longer: "Your brain grows. As you get older, your brain begins to shrink. But in a study in NeuroReport, researchers discovered that the prefrontal cortex and the anterior right insula, areas linked to attention and sensory processing, were thicker and more robust in those who meditate. "It's like exercise for the brain, making it stronger," says Rick Hanson, Ph.D., a neuropsychologist in San Rafael, California, and author of Buddha's Brain.

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Personality Development Tips: 8 Ways to Use Your Mind to Live Longer

8 Ways to Use Your Mind to Live Longer: "Your immunity soars. The relaxation response causes cells to release micropuffs of nitric oxide, a gas that dilates blood vessels and stabilizes the immune system, Dr. Benson reported in Medical Science Monitor. Mind/body methods worked as well as drugs designed to do the same thing, without the side effects."

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Personality Development Tips: 8 Ways to Use Your Mind to Live Longer

8 Ways to Use Your Mind to Live Longer: "To banish worries, put stressors on paper. Writing them down and stashing the note in a "worry jar" (or a drawer) makes it easier to compartmentalize and move on, says Andrea Bonior, Ph.D., a psychologist in Washington, D.C. Limiting anxiety is healthy. A surfeit of the stress hormone cortisol may lead to chronic pain, depression, cognitive issues and even heart problems, potentially shortening your life. Not to mention that constant worry is no fun."

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Personality Development Tips: 8 Secrets for Younger Looking Hands | ThirdAge

8 Secrets for Younger Looking Hands | ThirdAge: "Exercise Your Hands
Finally, your hands need exercise just as the rest of your body does. Particularly if you have arthritis or if it runs in the family, make every effort keep your hands and fingers agile. The bonus payoff is that you'll also ward off as much as possible the gnarled look of swollen joints. Playing the piano or another musical instrument can help and so can knitting and crocheting or simply wiggling your fingers and then clenching and opening your fist. You can also buy a "squeeze ball" at any drugstore. You'll be strengthening your hands and making them look a whole lot better at the same time!"

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Personality Development Tips: 8 Secrets for Younger Looking Hands | ThirdAge

8 Secrets for Younger Looking Hands | ThirdAge: "Camouflage or Lighten Age Spots
Your first line of defense is simply to dab concealer over the offending brown blotches. But if you'd rather fade them, do not use commercial products for bleaching your skin! They can cause all kinds of long-lasting problems, including thickened skin and high blood pressure. Stick with gentle home remedies such as lemon juice or tomato juice. They really work! However, if you feel the need to get rid of blemishes and wrinkly skin on your hands once and for all, visit a trusted dermatologist for laser treatments or a chemical peel."

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Personality Development Tips: 8 Secrets for Younger Looking Hands | ThirdAge

8 Secrets for Younger Looking Hands | ThirdAge: "Do Your Nails or Get Them Done
Well-tended nails and cuticles add to the allure of your hands. Just be sure you don't clip your cuticles, and don't let a manicurist snip at them either. A cuticle cream and gentle pushing with a cotton-wrapped orange stick is the best procedure. If your hands are looking so good that you want to attract attention to them, opt for bold red or metallic polishes. Otherwise, choose quiet, neutral shades."

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Personality Development Tips: 8 Secrets for Younger Looking Hands | ThirdAge

8 Secrets for Younger Looking Hands | ThirdAge: "Eat Your Veggies and Take Your Vitamins
Rough skin on your hands along with brittle nails often signals that you're not getting enough vitamins and minerals. Supplements can't take the place of a healthy diet, but they can boost your daily intake of the nutrients you need. Heed your hands' warning signs that you're depriving yourself of the good nutrition you need for overall health and vitality."

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Personality Development Tips: 8 Secrets for Younger Looking Hands | ThirdAge

8 Secrets for Younger Looking Hands | ThirdAge: "Moisturize for Maximun Softness
Treat your hands to lotion after your shower and slather on some more after you've worked out at the gym or gone swimming. Tip: Why not keep pretty bottles of lotion beside the bathroom and kitchen sinks? Also, about once a month cover your hands with Vaseline and put on cotton gloves before bedtime. You'll wake up to amazingly rejuvenated skin."

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Personality Development Tips: 8 Secrets for Younger Looking Hands | ThirdAge

8 Secrets for Younger Looking Hands | ThirdAge: "Use Mild Soaps and Shampoos
Anti-bacterial soft soap is fine for keeping your hands clean but beware of bar soap with harsh chemicals. Also, steer clear of shampoos containing sulfate. It's drying not only for your hands but also for your scalp and hair. Tip: Shampoos for color-treated hair tend to be the most gentle so if you do color your hair, choose one of those and you can kill the proverbial two birds with one stone!"

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Personality Development Tips: 8 Secrets for Younger Looking Hands | ThirdAge

8 Secrets for Younger Looking Hands | ThirdAge: "Use Sunscreen
Dermatologists recommend that you apply a product that's SPF 15 or higher every day, rain or shine. Even when the skies are overcast, the sun is lurking behind those clouds and penetrating them very effectively. Your hands will thank you if you ward off the UV perpetrators that can wreak havoc with your skin."

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Personality Development Tips: 8 Secrets for Younger Looking Hands | ThirdAge

8 Secrets for Younger Looking Hands | ThirdAge: "Wear Gloves
Be faithful about pulling on gloves as protection whenever you're about to expose your hands to a potential source of damage. Rubber gloves are essential whether you're rinsing dishes for the dishwasher, cleaning the house, coloring your hair, bathing the dog, or wiping down the lawn furniture. Beyond that, be sure to wear warm gloves in cold weather, gardening gloves when you dig in the dirt, and driving gloves every time you get behind the wheel. Your car's windows create a "greenhouse effect" that makes the sun's rays especially good at giving you age spots!"

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Wellness Tip: Foods that Fight Depression

Foods That Fight Depression | ThirdAge:
Iron-Rich Foods 

Depression can sometimes be a symptom of chronic iron deficiency. Not getting enough iron can also lead to feeling weak, tired, and headachy. Iron is crucial for neurological functions and development, and when someone doesn’t get enough iron, their mood can easily be affected. Good sources of iron include liver, eggs, beans, oysters, shrimp, peas, dried fruit, potatoes, and peanuts." 

Foods High In Vitamin C 
Vitamin C is important to the production of neurotransmitters in the brain. One prominent study found that vitamin C enhanced the mood of patients who were hospitalized. Food containing vitamin C include parsley, collard greens, guava, turnips, broccoli, red chili peppers, mustard greens, kiwi, strawberries and grapefruit." 

Protein has been shown to be an effective aid in helping people overcome depression. Protein contains amino acids that increase the level of dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine in the brain, which has the effect of making you feel more energetic and alert. Good sources of protein are fish, kidney beans, peanut butter, pork, chicken, low-fat cheese and sardines." 

"Foods Rich In Vitamin B
Vitamin B has been shown to improve mental and emotional well-being in several different ways. Certain B-complex vitamins decrease depression, lessen aggression, and reduce anxiety. Some foods high in vitamin B are liver, spinach, bell peppers, trout, garlic, salmon, bananas, celery, cabbage, asparagus, turmeric, kale, and brussels sprouts." 

"Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Numerous studies have found that depressed people lack a fatty acid known as EPA. One study found that when given fish oil containing omega-3 fatty acids, participants saw a sharp decrease in anxiety, sleep disorders, unexplained feelings of sadness, suicidal thoughts, and decreased sex drive. The best way to get your omega-3 fatty acids is through fish, beans, walnuts, flaxseeds, and squash."

Low levels of potassium are associated with depression, fatigue and weakness. Not getting enough potassium can also lead to increased irritability and anxiety. One study found that a high-potassium diet helped relieve symptoms of depression and tension in study participants, suggesting that increasing your potassium intake could be beneficial in improving your mood. Try eating more rich sources of potassium, such as avocados, paprika, pistachios, raisins, sunflower seeds, dates, etc."

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Personality Development Tips: Strategies for a Younger Looking Neck | ThirdAge

Strategies for a Younger Looking Neck | ThirdAge: Exercise for a Swanlike Image. A simple and effective stretch to keep your neck almost wrinkle-free is to raise your chin as far up as possible and count to ten. Then relax and repeat several times. This is also an effective stress reliever in the middle of the work day. Another good method for achieving a supple and firm neck is to borrow a move from jazz dancers: the head roll. Lower your chin and then circle your head all the way around to the right. Repeat to left. Then repeat the sequence five times.

Personality Development Tips:"stay active, but don’t overdo it!"

How To Feel Less Tired During The Day Page 2 | ThirdAge: Stay Busy, But Not Too Busy If your mental energy is stagnant, you will feel physically stagnant. Keep your brain and body occupied with work and activities that are emotionally stimulating and intellectually satisfying. The key is to find balance between healthy activities and rest time. The less you move, the less motivated you will feel to do so. So stay active, but don’t overdo it!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Personality Development Tips:How To Have Healthy And Pretty Eyes Page 3 | ThirdAge

How To Have Healthy And Pretty Eyes Page 3 | ThirdAge: While using the computer, wear reading glasses that are half the number of your normal reading glasses.

- If you do a lot of work (or even fun stuff) at the computer, make sure you take regular breaks so your eyes can have a rest. Just a few minutes of looking away will help. If you can, look out a window or go outside so that you can focus on faraway objects, countering the “up close” focus of computer work.

- While at the computer, keep your seat higher, rather than lower, so that you are looking down at the computer screen. This causes your eye lids to be more closed than open, giving air less room to circulate around your eyes, which will help with “dry eye.”

Barbara Hannah Grufferman is a writer, blogger and author of The Best of Everything After 50. You can order

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