Friday, October 21, 2011

Wellness for Peace: Avoid Jealousy in a Relationship by Using More of Your Emotional & Intellectual Abilities to Build Yourself as an Individual

"Keep in mind that the only reason, the only thing that keeps your partner around you is his desire to be with you. And his desire to be with you comes NOT from your pressure, your being jealous or your attempts to convince him to be faithful to you but from your other qualities that make you attractive and desirable. Your efforts to keep your partner have no positive effect on your relationship. If anything, it might put excess pressure on that person – something that no one enjoys and tolerates for very long. Remember that the best “leash” is the loose one or even better – a total absence thereof"

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Wellness for Peace Tip: Where to Get Vitamin D After Summer? List of Foods to Eat rich in Vitamin D

Vitamin D (ergocalciferol) promotes a healthy anti-immune system, maintains organs, and promotes bone growth. Salmon and catfish are excellent sources of Vitamin D, as well as eggs and beef liver

Read more: What Is the Purpose of Vitamins? |

Foods to Eat Rich in Vitamin D
Mushrooms100 grams of mushrooms provide some vitamin D so freely toss in your food. But for a biggest boost, Dole produces special Portobello mushrooms that have been exposed to a flash of light to increase the content of the vitamin. One package contains the amount suggested by experts. You can even sprinkle on the benefits with their Portobello Mushroom Powder.

SalmonWith more than 100 IU per ounce salmon tops all other foods for naturally occurring vitamin D.

Oysters½ dozen oysters have over 60% of your daily need.

Halibut3 ounces has 254% of your daily need. Halibut is a firm white fish that has a mild flavor.

Shrimp6 ounces has 64% of your daily needs. As we know from Forrest Gump, there are endless ways to enjoy shrimp.

CodFor being a relatively mild-tasting fish, Cod has a commendable 18% of your daily need for the vitamin in 6 ounces.

Egg1 large egg has 4% of your daily value, but you need to include the yolk.

CheeseSwiss – 1 ounce has 3%
Parmesan – 1 ounces has 2%
Cheddar – 1 ounce has 1%

Fortified productsFortified milk, soy milk and tofu are also additional sources.

Vitamin D may be difficult to get enough of if you dislike fish or don't eat it frequently enough. Get your levels checked and discuss supplementation with your doctor.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wellness for Peace: Tips to Curb Depression with Food

Yes to Complex-Carb Rich Foods!

Make sure every meal contains some complex-carbohydrate rich foods. Cut back on sugar-containing foods. Replace refined sweets with nutrient-packed foods, such as fresh fruit, crunchy vegetables, whole grain bagels, or low-fat yogurt.

Keep Your Body Hydrated with Water

Cut back on caffeine from coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, colas, and medications. Drink more water instead.

Think Green

Increase dietary intake of vitamin B6 by including several servings daily of chicken, legumes, fish, bananas, avocados, and dark green leafy vegetables. Also, include at least two folic acid-rich foods in the diet, such as spinach, broccoli, orange juice, and chard.

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Wellness for Peace: How to Curb Depression?

Depression also can be a symptom of other problems, so always consult a physician if emotional problems persist or interfere long-term with your quality of life and health. In the meantime, keep in mind that what you choose to sooth your hunger, also will be fueling your mood."

Exercise Regularly

Remember that what you eat is only part of the blues battle. Regular exercise, effective coping skills, a strong social support system, and limiting or avoiding alcohol, cigarettes, and medications that compound an emotional problem are also important considerations.

Take your Vitamins

Take a moderate-dose multiple vitamin and mineral supplement to fill in any nutritional gaps.

Dont Overwhelm Yourself

Make changes gradually. Select two or three small changes and practice these until they are comfortable. This will assure long-term success in sticking with your plan and will allow your brain chemistry time to adjust to the new eating style, without throwing your brain's appetite- control chemicals into a tailspin.

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Wellness for Peace: How to Lift a bad mood? TOUCH SOMEONE & LAUGH TO YOUR HEART'S DESIRE!

"Human touch increases the production of endorphins, growth hormone, and DHEA, all of which lengthen your life span and lower the negative impact of stress. Studies have found that patients who are regularly touched recover faster than those who are not touched. So give someone a hug and feel both of your moods improve."
Climate Change: Wellness for Peace: How to Lift a BAD MOOD?:
'via Blog this'"Laugh Therapy," pioneered by Norman Cousins, has turned out to have real substance. Research has discovered that laughter and joy boost immune functions, especially the production of the natural killer cells that help defend the body from illness and cancer.

Wellness for Peace: How to Lift a bad mood? BOOST YOUTH HORMONES, EXERCISE, MEDITATE & BREATH

Research has found that doing squats and leg presses will greatly increase your natural production of the "youth hormone". Increased growth hormone translates to an elevated mood, among other physical benefits. Keep it up with weight training, knee bends, push-ups, and rowing.

Breathing correctly is important for dispelling the toxins and wastes from your body; in fact, it is estimated that we expel only about 30 percent of toxins in our bodies through the bowels and bladder-the rest is all respiratory. Breathing is also a great way to clear your mind, boost your energy, and improve your mood. Practice deep, slow, rhythmic, breathing daily with mind-body disciplines such as tai chi, yoga, qigong, and meditation.
Climate Change: Wellness for Peace: How to Lift a BAD MOOD?: "
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Wellness for Peace: How to Lift a bad mood? "FLOWER THERAPHY"

Colorful flowers have a powerful influence on moods; they can uplift a patient's mood and even combat stress. One study found that during a five-minute typing assignment, people sitting next to a flowering bouquet were more relaxed than those who sat near foliage-only plants.

Climate Change: Wellness for Peace: How to Lift a BAD MOOD?: "

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Wellness for Peace: How to Lift a bad mood? "SMELL THE JOY"

Aromatherapy recommends treating depression with jasmine, eucalyptus for exhilaration, and grapefruit to increase alertness and joy. Just put a dab of the essential oils from these plants on your temples, back of your neck, or acupressure points. Another option? Boil the herb in water and inhale the steam through your nose.

Research has shown that smell has a definite impact on our bodies and minds. When you stimulate the olfactory nerves inside your nose, you activate the limbic system of your brain, which is associated with moods and memory. This concept is instrumental to aromatherapy, a natural health tradition that makes use of the healing powers of plants with strong scents.

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  WED presents UNESCO World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education “Early investment for better learning and brighter future” 14...