Saturday, August 24, 2013

Psychology of 35-40 yrs old: Ready for Settling Down: 'The Establishment Phase', on major life investments—work, family, friends, community activities, and values. What has been termed 'the Culminating Life Structure for Early Adulthood (33–40) is the vehicle for completing this era and realizing our youthful aspirations. People in their thirties may increase the financial and emotional investments they make in their lives, and may have been employed long enough to gain promotions and raises. They often become more focused on advancing their careers and gaining stability in their personal lives—'with marriage and child-rearing,' starting a family, coming to the fore as priorities.

Young adult (psychology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "According to Erikson, in the wake of the adolescent emphasis upon identity formation, 'the young adult, emerging from the search for and insistence on identity, is eager and willing to fuse his identity with that of others. He [or she] is ready for intimacy, that is, the capacity to concrete affiliations and partnerships.'[20] To do so means the ability 'to face the fear of ego loss in situations which call for self-abandon: in the solidarity of close affiliations, in orgasms and sexual unions, in close friendships and in physical combat'.[21] Avoidance of such experiences 'because of a fear of ego-loss may lead to a deep sense of isolation and consequent self-absorption'.[21]. Where isolation is avoided, the young adult may find instead that 'satisfactory sex some way take the edge off the hostilities and potential rages caused by the oppositeness of male and female, of fact and fancy, of love and hate';[22] and may grow into the ability to exchange intimacy, love and compassion."

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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Wellness Tip: Sweet potatoes It is thought that the antioxidant glutathione that is found in sweet potatoes is the component that helps our nutrient metabolism. Plus the vitamin B nutrient within sweet potatoes is also thought to help burn fat within the body. Alternative: other orange and vibrant fruit and vegetables like carrots, pumpkin, avocado or watermelon can all increase your glutathione levels and aid nutrient metabolism.

Sweet potato | 5 Kinds of Food that Boost Metabolism - Yahoo! She Philippines: "Sweet potatoes
It is thought that the antioxidant glutathione that is found in sweet potatoes is the component that helps our nutrient metabolism. Plus the vitamin B nutrient within sweet potatoes is also thought to help burn fat within the body.
Alternative: other orange and vibrant fruit and vegetables like carrots, pumpkin, avocado or watermelon can all increase your glutathione levels and aid nutrient metabolism."

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Wellness Tip: Green tea contains caffeine and catechins that are thought to boost our metabolism for several hours after drinking. Studies have found that one cup of green tea may not be enough to boost your metabolism though and it is thought that drinking between two to four cups of green tea may help you to get the boost you require. Alternative: other tea that contains catechins and caffeine is oolong tea, which is a partially fermented tea (green tea is unfermented) that has a sweet taste.

Green Tea | 5 Kinds of Food that Boost Metabolism - Yahoo! She Philippines: "Green Tea
Green tea contains caffeine and catechins that are thought to boost our metabolism for several hours after drinking. Studies have found that one cup of green tea may not be enough to boost your metabolism though and it is thought that drinking between two to four cups of green tea may help you to get the boost you require.
Alternative: other tea that contains catechins and caffeine is oolong tea, which is a partially fermented tea (green tea is unfermented) that has a sweet taste."

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Wellness Tip: Eggs One of the greatest nutritional benefits we gain from eating eggs is their protein. Protein does all sorts of good things for our body, one of which is helping to support the growth of our muscles. Muscle mass is essential for those looking to boost their metabolism because the more muscle mass you have the more calories you use up. Alternative: lean meats like chicken and turkey, or fish like tuna, sardines and salmon

Eggs | 5 Kinds of Food that Boost Metabolism - Yahoo! She Philippines: "Eggs
One of the greatest nutritional benefits we gain from eating eggs is their protein. Protein does all sorts of good things for our body, one of which is helping to support the growth of our muscles. Muscle mass is essential for those looking to boost their metabolism because the more muscle mass you have the more calories you use up.
Alternative: lean meats like chicken and turkey, or fish like tuna, sardines and salmon"

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Wellness Tip: Jalapenos are great for your metabolic rate because they contain a beneficial chemical called capsaicin, which is thought to boost your metabolism and help you to feel fuller for longer. Interestingly, another perk to eating hot foods containing capsaicin is that they trigger the release of endorphins and can leave people with a feeling of euphoria. Alternative: if you’re not a fan of jalapenos, you could choose other hot peppers that contain capsaicin, such as cayenne pepper or chili flakes.

Jalapeno | 5 Kinds of Food that Boost Metabolism - Yahoo! She Philippines: "Jalapenos are great for your metabolic rate because they contain a beneficial chemical called capsaicin, which is thought to boost your metabolism and help you to feel fuller for longer. Interestingly, another perk to eating hot foods containing capsaicin is that they trigger the release of endorphins and can leave people with a feeling of euphoria.
Alternative: if you’re not a fan of jalapenos, you could choose other hot peppers that contain capsaicin, such as cayenne pepper or chili flakes."

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Wellness Tip: SPINACH. Rich in Iron, it keeps your red blood cells healthy. Helps your red blood cells get the necessary oxygen to your muscles and in turn this helps to ensure your metabolism does not drop or decrease. Alternative: eat other foods rich in iron like kale, liver and chickpeas.

Spinach | 5 Kinds of Food that Boost Metabolism - Yahoo! She Philippines: "Spinach
The iron present in spinach is thought to help keep your red blood cells healthy. Therefore spinach helps your red blood cells get the necessary oxygen to your muscles and in turn this helps to ensure your metabolism does not drop or decrease. Alternative: eat other foods rich in iron like kale, liver and chickpeas."

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Wellness Tips: Vitamins good for your underarms: Vitamin B12, zinc and magnesium flush odor-causing toxins—so eat a balanced diet and don’t miss your daily dose of multi-vitamin supplements! Meanwhile, Vitamin C and Vitamin A help address hyperpigmentation (a condition that causes skin darkening), and can either be ingested orally or applied topically (consult your doctor on what’s best for you).

There are vitamins good for your underarms?! - Yahoo! She Philippines: "Here are practical tips for smooth, fair, and beautiful underarms:

1. Proper hygiene
Dead skin cells and sweat can accumulate and get trapped beneath the skin, causing dark spots and bumpy “chicken skin.” Remedy? Keep underarms clean and dry at all times, and gently slough off dead skin cells by exfoliating once a week.

2. No sweat
Damp, moist places (like sweaty armpits!) are a breeding ground for bacteria, which can cause body odor and skin darkening. Make sure that your grooming product is not just a deodorant (which simply masks body odor), but an anti-perspirant, too.

Certain vitamins are believed to help curb excessive sweating and body odor, including Vitamin B12, zinc and magnesium which flush odor-causing toxins—so eat a balanced diet and don’t miss your daily dose of multi-vitamin supplements! Meanwhile, Vitamin C and Vitamin A help address hyperpigmentation (a condition that causes skin darkening), and can either be ingested orally or applied topically (consult your doctor on what’s best for you). 

Also read: Put Your Hands Up In The Air!

4. Ditch that razor
When you shave your underarms, you’re probably scraping a good amount of skin along with hair, causing irritation, dryness, and (eek!) underarm discoloration. You’ll also have to deal with unsightly stubble in between shaves, which gives the impression of dark underarms. Switch to waxing, which removes hair from the root to leave you hairless longer, is gentler on the skin, and leaves skin feeling smoother; or even better, try permanent hair removal!

5. Smooth Operator 
If you can’t kick the shaving habit, be kind to your delicate underarms by using a moisturizing deodorant to soften and soothe skin.

6. Deo Habits 

Never apply deodorant immediately after shaving or waxing—it’s like applying chemicals on an open wound and will surely irritate your skin. As much as possible, groom your armpits in the evening when you sweat less and don’t need to apply deodorant.

Also read: Put An End To Underarm Problems

7. Rubbing You The Wrong Way 

Friction with underarms (wearing tight tops, overzealously applying roll-on) can cause skin darkening. Be sure to wear cool, breathable fabrics that don’t chafe against your skin. To lessen skin contact, you may also choose to switch from a stick or roll-on deo to a spray variant (remember to hold spray at least 6 inches from your underarms). 

8. Whitening Vitamins 

Antioxidant-rich Vitamin E has been said to aid skin whitening and smoothening, while Vitamin F is a combination of fatty acids which are known to contribute to proper skin barrier function. Look for deo products infused with Vitamin E and F to help repair skin, fade dark spots and lock in vital moisture.

9. Pure Protection 

Dark underarms, rashes, redness and allergic reactions may be caused by chemicals in hair removal creams and grooming products, or experimenting with every whitening scrub/harsh soap/miracle peel in the market. When your skin is extra sensitive, treat it with TLC by switching to a non-scented, hypoallergenic, paraben-free deo that is gentle on skin. 

10. Derma to the rescue 

Tried all of the above, to no avail? Sometimes, skin darkening is triggered by things beyond your control, like hormonal fluctuations, medical conditions, and taking certain medication. It’s best to chat with your derma for a safe and effective underarm treatment for you. CLICK LINK TO READ MORE

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