Thursday, May 5, 2011

Knowing the Art of War

What makes a General pursue war and how do they make a conviction in getting their justice through war, is a question that remains to be answered and with various opinions that goes along with it.

The series of study is meant to study the core and the root that shapes these warriors for decades and how can peace-makers and peace workers re-shape history not by guns and violence, but by tall order of faith, hope and love through change of heart.

Part 1:

What are the key points in the Art of War?

What is a Skilled General

When capable he feigns incapacity

When near he makes it appear he’s far

When far, near

His primary target is the mind of the opponent

Victorious situation is the product of his creative imagination

He cannot be manipulated

He may withdraw. But when he does, moves so swiftly that he cannot be overtaken

His retirements are designed to entice the enemy, to unbalance him, an to create a situation favorable for a decisive counter-stroke

Victory is the object of war not lengthy operations

He strikes only when the situation assumes victory

Five Fundamental Factors before engaging in war:

  1. Moral Influence- causes people to be in harmony with their leaders so that they will accompany them in life and unto death

“In happiness at overcoming difficulties, people forget the danger of death”

  1. Weather – the interaction of natural forces; the conduct of operation’s in accordance with the seasons

  1. Terrain – distances, is the ground traversed with ease or difficulty, is it open or constricted and the chances of life and death

  1. Command – Quality of a General:

Wisdom-able to recognize changing circumstances and act expediently

Sincere- his men will have no doubt of rewards and punishments

Humane- loves mankind, sympathizes with others, and appreciates their industry and toil

Courageous-gains victory by seizing opportunity w/o hesitation

Strict-his troops are disciplined because they are in awe of him and are afraid of punishment

  1. Doctrine – organization, control, assignment of appropriate ranks to officers, regulation of supply routes and provision of principal items used by the army

When he concentrates, prepare against him

Where he is strong avoid him

Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance

Keep him under strain and wear him down

When he is united, divide him

Attack where he is unprepared

Sally out when he does not expect you

Calculate. With many calculations one can win, with few one cannot

Examine the situation and the outcome will be clearly apparent

Victory is the main object in war. If this is long delayed, weapons are blunted and morale depressed. When troops attacked cities, their strength will be exhausted a treasure spent… Neighboring rulers will take advantage of your distress to act. And even though you have wise counselors, none will be able to lay good plans for the future

War is like unto fire; those who will not put aside weapons are themselves consumed by them

The reason the troops slay the enemy is because they are enraged

They take the booty from the enemy because they desire wealth

When fighting and won, reward those who take the first.

Replace the enemy’s flag and banners with your own

Mix the captured chariots with your own

Treat the captives well and take care of them

Winning the battle and becoming stronger

A general who understands war is the Minister of the people’s fate and arbiter of the nation’s destiny

Offensive Strategy

To capture the enemy’s army is better than to destroy it; to take intact a battalion, a company or a five man squad is better than to destroy them

To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill

Thus, the supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy’s strategy

He who excels in resolving difficulties does so before they arise. He who excels in conquering his enemies before triumphs before threats materialize

Next, disrupt his alliances

Then attack his army

The worst policy is to attack cities the center , the principal

Subdue the enemy’s army without battle

Capture his cities without assaulting them

Overthrow his state without protracted operations

The aim is to take All-under-Heaven intact. Thus troops are not worn out and gains will be complete. This is the art of offensive strategy

The art of using troops:

When 10 is to 1 = surround him

When 25 is to 1 = attack him

When 100 is to 50 = divide him

When 1 is to 1 = engage him

If weaker numerically, be capable of withdrawing

A sovereign who obtains the right person, prospers

3 ways for a ruler to bring misfortune to his army

1. When the army cannot advance

2. when ignorant of military affairs

3. when ignorant of command problems

5 circumstances in which victory may predicted:

He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot;

He who knows how to use small and large forces;

He whose ranks are united in purpose;

He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not

He whose generals are able and not interfered with by the soverign will be victorious

Know the enemy and know thyself; in hundred battles you will never peril

Supreme Requirements of Generalship:

  1. Clear perception
  2. Harmony of host
  3. Profound Strategy coupled with far-reaching plans
  4. Understanding of the seasons;
  5. Ability to examine the human factors.

Elements of War:

  1. Measurement of space

-derived from the ground

  1. Estimation of Quantities

-derived from measurement

  1. Calculations of Figures

-derived from quantities

  1. Comparisons

-derived from figures

  1. Chances of Victory

-derived from comparisons


To manage a host, one first assign responsibilities to the generals and their assistants, and establish the strengths of ranks and files.

One man is single (1)

Two a pair (2)

Three a trio (3)

Pair + Trio = Five or Squad (5)

Two Squads = Section (10)

Five Sections = Platoon (50)

Two Platoons = Company (100)

Two Companies = Battalion (200)

Two Battalion = Regiment (400)

Two Regiments = Group (800)

Two Groups = Brigade (1,600)

Two Brigades = Army (3,200)

In battle, use the normal force to engage, use the extraordinary to win

Musical notes are only five but their melodies are numerous that one cannot hear them all;

Primary colors are only five but their combinations are so infinite that one cannot visualize them all;

Flavors are only five but their blends are so various that one cannot taste them all

Order and Disorder depends on Organization

Courage or Cowardice on Circumstances (Situation)

Strength or Weakness on Disposition (Attitude)

3 kinds of Situation:

  1. In Respect to Morale: -When his officers loves to fight and their ambitions soaring high and their spirits fierce
  2. In Respect to Terrain- When the enemy will have a hard time reaching you
  3. In Respect to Enemy – When taking advantage of enemy’s laxity, weariness, hunger or thirst

An army may be likened to water, for just as flowing water avoids the heights and hastens to the lowlands, so an army avoids strength and strikes weakness

Five (5) Qualities which are Dangerous in the Character of a General

  1. If reckless, he can be killed;
  2. If coward, he can be captured’
  3. If quick-tempered, you can make a fool of him;
  4. If he has too delicate a sense of honor, you can calumniate him
  5. If he so compassionate, you can harass him

When an enemy speaks in humble terms, but he continues his preparation, he is advancing

When the envoy speaks in apologetic terms, he wishes a respite (break)

When at night, the enemy’s camp is clamorous (noisy), he is fearful

When his troops are disorderly, the general has no prestige

If the officers are short-tempered, they are exhausted

When the troops continually gather together, the general has lost confidence of the army

Too frequent rewards indicate that the general is at the end of his resources

Too frequent punishments of the general indicate that he is in acute distress

If the officers at first treat the men violently and later are fearful of them, the limit of indiscipline has been reached

If troops are loyal but punishment are not enforced, you cannot employ them

When orders are consistently trustworthy and observed, the relationship of a commander with his troops are satisfactory


Military Code: The General must be the first in the toils and fatigues of the army

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