Saturday, December 10, 2016

How To Supercharge Your Dopamine Levels To Never Feel Sad, Stressed Or Depressed Again


The exercise of every kind raises the levels of dopamine, serotonin, and endorphin. Regular exercise provides happiness, strengthens the body, reduces stress.



Addiction to alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, and even shopping, provide an instant pleasure, but it is not a permanent solution. Addictions only temporarily satisfy our needs.

Moreover, addictions alter our lifestyle in favor of the source of the addiction, and it is a wicked cycle. Therefore, you should try and lower the risk of developing addictions, enjoy life, and find things that provide deeper calmness and happiness. Also, it is of great importance to work a job you enjoy.



Make sure you regularly detoxify your system, as the accumulation of toxins and bacteria in the body prevents the dopamine production and weakens the immunity.



Tyrosine is one of the 22 essential amino acids used for the creation of proteins. It is actually the most important chemical for the dopamine production of dopamine.

Recommended: Three Habits to Use on Your Body to Get Rid of Negative Emotions

Besides dopamine, it also has the potential to elevate norepinephrine levels. In order to raise its levels in the body, you should consume green tea, watermelon, almonds, bananas, avocados, and dark chocolate.



Dopamine levels are also increased through listening to music, even though it may be short-term. Therefore, use music as a common way to raise dopamine levels. And by the way playing an instrument makes you smarter (science reveals).



The levels of dopamine are raised in the case of organized small daily tasks, even though they are hard at times. You should write your tasks down on a piece of paper, and check them off. In this way, you will be satisfied as you note that you finish them one by one.

The Principles of Self-Management state that if a task represents a change of 25% (or bigger change) in the routine, you will feel unable to finish it, and often ends up with a self-sabotage or giving up.

If the task changes 10% of your routine, you will succeed to complete it, as you will believe it is small. Therefore, balance tasks to be 10 and 25% of new behaviors, in order to try new and challenging things, but still not too difficult to complete.



The levels of dopamine in the brain are also elevated with a creative activity. This will also keep you focused. You do not need to become a world-known artist but try dancing, singing, writing, sculpturing, painting, drawing, cooking, knitting, making crafts, and auto repair, and you will feel much better right away.



In this sense, “streak” will mean a visual reminder of the number of times in a row you do something. This is similar to organizing the tasks, and accomplishing them.

This will raise the levels of dopamine, and make you happier and satisfied. You should use a calendar, written your goals, and plan when to complete them. As soon as you finish the task, mark it off on your calendar. Yet, the drawback of the ‘streak’ is routine, so you should find a way to enhance the performance.



Dopamine levels can also be raised through supplementation, such as:

Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, effectively increases dopamine in the brain.
Ginkgo Biloba has a potential to raise dopamine levels as well.
Acetyl-l-tyrosine is a building block of dopamine, so a healthy dose of it supports the production of dopamine in the brain.
L-theanine increases numerous neurotransmitters in the brain, including dopamine. Green tea is a rich source of l-theanine.
Note: consult a doctor before using any of the above



Meditation raises the levels of dopamine in a different way that cardio exercises. It improves your mood, creates mental energy, and relaxes the mind. Meditation is an efficient way to reduce stress on a daily basis. Harvard MRI studies proved that meditation literally rebuilds your brain gray matter in 8 weeks!


Originally taken from Healthy Food House

Sources and References: | |"

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You’re Here To Transform Human Consciousness

1. A sense of having a specific mission or purpose involving a major transformation in human experience, but being unable to articulate what this change might be.

2. A strong sense that the mission, whatever it is, is getting closer in time.

3. A compulsion to master certain fields, skills, or professions, not only for career advancement but in preparation for this half-understood personal mission.

4. High levels of empathy; a sense of feeling what others feel.

5. An urgent desire to lessen or prevent suffering for humans, animals, or even plants.

6. Loneliness stemming from a sense of difference, despite generally high levels of social activity. One woman summed up this feeling perfectly when she said, “Everybody likes me, but nobody’s like me.

7. High levels of creativity; passion for music, poetry, performance, or visual arts.

8. An intense love of animals, sometimes a desire to communicate with them.

9. Difficult early life, often with a history of abuse or childhood trauma.

10. Intense connection to certain types of natural environment, such as the ocean, mountains, or forest.

11. Resistance to orthodox religiosity, paradoxically accompanied by a strong sense of either spiritual purpose or spiritual yearning.

12. Love of plants and gardening, to the point of feeling empty or depressed without the chance to be among green things and/or help them grow.

13. Very high emotional sensitivity, often leading to predilections for anxiety, addictions, or eating disorders.

14. Sense of intense connection with certain cultures, languages, or geographic regions.

15. Disability, often brain-centered (dyslexia, retardation, autism) in oneself or a loved one. Fascination with people who have intellectual disabilities or mental illness.

16. Apparently gregarious personality contrasting with a deep need for periods of solitude; a sense of being drained by social contact and withdrawing to “power up” again.

17. Persistent or recurring physical illness, often severe, with symptoms that fluctuate inexplicably.

18. Daydreams (or night dreams) about healing damaged people, creatures, or places.


Author: Lissa Rankin"

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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Spiritual Fasting - A Secret Source of Power

"The difference between dieting and spiritual fasting is that while you are engaged in spiritual fasting, and are abstaining from food, you are focusing your thoughts on that which is eternal within you.

By directing your attention to that which is eternal within you, through meditation, chanting, heartfelt prayer or by repeating spiritual affirmations throughout the day, you will discover that you can go for a long time without food and still not feel hungry, because you will be absorbing the energy directly through breathing and through the energy center on top of your head.

When you focus your attention on that which is eternal within you, you may experience a sensation of electricity running through your body, because you will literally plug yourself into an ocean of boundless living energy and power.


We Live in an Ocean of Boundless, Living Energy and Power

We live in an ocean of boundless, living energy and power – in an ocean of boundless life-force. Energy flows where attention goes, so as you direct your attention to it you open yourself up and allow this boundless living energy and power to flow through you.

You should listen to your body when you fast and you should prepare your mind and body for the fast. If you regularly engage in some kind of spiritual practice, you will find it much more enjoyable and effortless to fast.


How to Perform Spiritual Fasting

If you have never fasted before, you may begin fasting just for 24 hours. If you want to go on longer fasts, you may prepare your body by eating light food for a while. You may then try fasting for 5 or 10 days on liquids – fruit or vegetable juices, even clear broth, or you may try fasting on water alone and see how long you can do that while feeling reasonably comfortable. Slowly you can work your way up to 40 day fasts or even longer.

If you keep on fasting frequently, you will develop a habit of fasting and you will also discover that you can fast longer and longer with greater and greater comfort and enjoyment.

Recommended: Which diet is right for spiritual growth?

When you complete your fast and return to eating food, do so gradually. Begin with soups, raw or steamed vegetables or fruits and light salads. Let your body adjust to digesting food again.


Not only will you fast longer and longer with greater and greater comfort, but you may enjoy it more and more as you experience the spiritual high and all kinds of benefits that will emerge spontaneously from fasting.

You can fast for a particular purpose, for healing, abundance, supernatural abilities, for any other specific blessing, or simply because you enjoy the depth of spiritual awareness you experience while you are fasting.

One side effect of that deepened spiritual awareness is that you will open yourself to information that was not available to you before. You will begin to clearly hear the voice of the Spirit within you.

As you remove the obstacles that are clouding your awareness of the Spirit within you, your Inner Light will begin to shine brighter and brighter and you will begin to notice more and more Light radiating through your eyes.


You will begin to experience greater and greater sense of profound inner peace and whatever you may want to manifest in your life will begin to manifest faster and faster simply because you have removed the obstacles from within you.


Author: Dr. Laura De Giorgio is the author of over 2,000 hypnosis, subliminal,supraliminal and supraliminal plus recordings in English, Spanish, French, German and Italian. On her website you can access many free articles designed to help you use the power of your mind more effectively, many free downloads and movie presentations."

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7 Signs Of High Emotional Intelligence

"1.) You don’t do negative self-talk.

I think it can be said that we all do it sometimes. We get down on ourselves and feel uncomfortable with our decisions, so we treat ourselves poorly. This is something emotionally intelligent people don’t do.


2.) You don’t limit your joy.

Emotionally intelligent people don’t allow anyone to take their joy away. They live life as fully as they want.


3.) You listen to your body.

Emotionally intelligent people listen to their bodies. They eat the right food and get enough sleep.


4.) You disconnect from time to time.

At least for me, being connected via cell phones and internet all the time is a serious downer. Don’t be afraid to shut off the phone for a few hours and enjoy your day.


5.) You appreciate the things you have.

You don’t covet the possessions of others. The bar for happiness is not raised or lowered by other people, but by you. You don’t need to see what your friends and neighbors have and strive for that. Strive for what you want in life.


6.) You boot toxic people from your life.

The worst people are toxic people. They enter our lives, tell us we can’t, take all of our time and energy, and leave us with nothing. Emotionally intelligent people don’t have time for toxic friends.


7.) You let go of the bad.

Emotionally intelligent people have no time to carry around baggage. It weighs us down and weakens our sensibilities. Let go of mistakes. Let go of grudges. Let go of all the bad stuff that weighs you down.



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Monday, December 5, 2016

Be inspired with the poem "Desiderata" to keep your practical peace within!

"Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be.And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.” - Max Ehrmann, "Desiderata"


10 Signs To Make You Understand If You Have Found Your Mission

"1.) You will realize that you are preparing for your call from the moment you were born

Even the pungent aspects of life, disappointments, regrets, things gone downhill were preparing you for what you’ve been called to do now. You will realize that divorce, bankruptcy, death of the loved one, failure, rejection, were all just a school that taught you the lessons that your soul needed to learn, to be what you are meant to be.


2.) Mystical things begin to happen

You might be tempted to define them as coincidences, just that they are too perfect, too correspondent to what you need at that specific time, too similar to ‘miracles’ to call them random events. Synchronization will fill you with a sense of wonder, because they are proof positive that you are guided and you are not alone, that someone is ‘moving mountains’ to ensure that your mission will succeed.


3.) When you go off course, you will be redirected

Doors you wanted to cross will be closed. If you take the wrong turn in the road, your path will be full of barbed wire. The trip will become an implacable struggle, a deal will failure, the money will run out. The mentor that supplied you with the magic gifts will follow you no more in the wrong way. People will not cooperate. Then you will ‘magically’ be redirected, just like during your initial call.


4.) You’ll be guided with ease, even in the face of obstacles

When you find yourself in difficulty in overcoming an obstacle, it can be hard to understand if you’re only testing your commitment or if you’re going off course. The obstacles can be part of the growth process, the construction of your inner hero, a necessary part of your trip as a hero. But they can also be signs that inform you that you have taken a wrong turn. How to tell the difference?

The indicator you can trust, it’s a sense of sliding towards greater ease and fluidity. If the challenges are increasing and they are putting things worse, a tough fight overlaps the other, then you’re probably been taken away from your true calling. The universe is patiently waiting, turning the divine inches. When you’re back on the right track, things will start to flow again.


5.) Magical mentors will appear at the right time

Just when you need them more, the right people will appear, with the necessary tools to support you and your trip to this mystical path.


6.) Your health will improve

A strange but pleasing ‘side effect’ of finding your calling, will be your improved health.
You’ll notice less craving for unhealthy food, you’ll have more energy to move your body, aches and pains that plague may disappear, you will feel less tired, chronic diseases may begin to improve.


7.) You may find that the money comes only when you are ready to throw in the towel

I’m not saying do not end up into debt or do not find yourself with an empty bank account. But if you’re on the right track, you do not end up living under a bridge, and you’ll see that the money almost magically appear just when you’re ready to throw in the towel and leave it all behind.


8.) You may feel strangely calm, even when there are reasons to be concerned

All around you will think you’re crazy. A part of you will agree with them. But a wise inner consciousness, that part of you that I call your interior ‘Pilot Light’ will be so relieved that you’re finally on your way towards your goal, that you’ll feel unusually calm. At least as long as your rational mind will not start giving you a hard time.

Our souls want to lead us towards our personal mission on this earth, and when we finally align with our calling, our happy souls do a little dance. It may appear as if everything in our life is falling apart, but you still have this sense of peace, a huge relief, because finally you will know what you are meant to do.


9.) The universe will stretch out the red carpet

When what you’ve been called to do, is what is necessary for the greater good of all mankind, the Universe will bend over backwards to give you everything you need, served on a silver platter. No request is too small. A copywriter could voluntarily help just when you were thinking of writing a sales page. Some might give you a printer when you will need to print flyers.

You will feel well supported, you’ll feel so lucky to be on the right track even if you are not very sure about what you need to do.


10.) Your people will find you

Few can accomplish alone the call. Many of us need the cooperation of others to change the world. But do not worry. When you are really proactive, your people will find you. But only if you’re brave enough to be vulnerable, to get in the game, to be what you have been called to be!


Sunday, December 4, 2016

Amb Zara Jane Juan has Green Aura. She is balanced, harmonious and peaceful...

People with Green Aura need harmony in their lives and prefer to live in a natural environment. They are the most balanced in the color spectrum. They have a very strong connection with nature. It is important for them to live in close proximity to forest, park or near a lake or ocean. Green auras are open, extroverted, expressive, friendly, communicative and sincere. They see life through their heart. Their main motivations are satisfaction and harmony. On the one hand the green individuals do not like to compete, to wear the most expensive and beautiful clothes, or to have the best job. On the other hand, they love the pleasures and benefits of luxury that come as a direct result of the success. Greens want to feel happy and satisfied in their lives. They have an internal understanding of the natural cycles and laws of life. For them, life as a human being is the most wonderful gift of life. For green auras is difficult to restrain their feelings and thoughts. Green auras have a strong connection with their physical bodies. For them, the mind and the body are one, and all the thoughts and emotions are expressed physically. If don’t freely express their emotions they will feel awkward, uncomfortable and in some cases may even get sick.

More about Green Aura People

Take the AURA TEST. What is yours? click here:

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8 Crystals And Stones Every Empath Should Have In Their Homes

8 Crystals And Stones Every Empath Should Have In Their Homes: "8 Crystals And Stones Every Empath Should Have In Their Homes


1. Amethyst.

Amethyst is a protection stone. It enhances spiritual awareness and attracts positive energy. At the same time, it repels negative energy, both spiritual and ethereal. This is also a good stone to have inside of your vehicle.


2. Blue topaz.

Blue topaz is an important stone for an empath because it helps you think clearly and communicate your desires to the universe. It also helps you see the big picture and relieve tension caused by your social, work, or love life.


Recommended: 11 Grounding Techniques For Empaths to Avoid Apathy and Depression


3. Fossils.

Not quite qualifying as a stone or crystal, fossils are still important to the well being of an empath’s space. While the organic matter hat made up these animals are long gone, the energy signature is still present. Fossils keep an empath grounded and strong, while reminding that energy is fluid and all things will inevitably change.


4. Jade.

Jade is a popular stone for lovers, and it should be for empaths too. It helps balance the sometimes opposing energies of partners and prevents too much personal harm from being done during quarrels and spats.


5. Lapis lazuli.

Lapis lazuli is another stone of protection, but with more of an influence on spiritual growth. It helps you remain objective and not take the actions of others too personally. This is a great stone for the office or workplace as well, as it helps keep your head clear and your energy unbound.


6. Turquoise.

Turquoise is the ultimate anti-negativity stone. It dispels negative energy from your space while creating a stronger bond between your body and your energy field. This stone is special because a little bit goes a long way. A small piece can fill an entire home with soothing energy.


Recommended: 10 Powerful Crystals That Will Make You Healthier And Happier


7. Unakite.

Unakite is a lesser known stone, which makes it all the more important to have in your crystal arsenal. Unakite helps balance your emotions and brings your spirit closer to the other side, keeping you connected to passed loved ones who check in on you from time to time.


8. Zoiste.

Zoiste is also uncommon, and it’s perfect for the more artistic empaths. It helps promote individuality, creativity, and most importantly, connectedness to others. Many artistic empaths become introverted and try to shut others out. Zoiste reminds our spirits that human contact isn’t just important, but also fun.



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#WED is Wellness in Environment Day TV show copyrighted in 2010 conceptualized & hosted by AmbassadorZara Jane Juan Wellness Pilipinas International News & Media Network

  WED presents UNESCO World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education “Early investment for better learning and brighter future” 14...