Thursday, December 29, 2011

2012 New Year's Resolution 9 Tips: # 9. "I will make My Body Strong & My Mind Healthy by Eating Unprocessed Foods

Nine Keys To Health And Happiness In The New Year | ThirdAge: "Our bodies weren't built to withstand the rapid changes we've witnessed in our food industry. The hunting and gathering we once did has turned into drive-throughs, super-sized meals, and chemically laden foods our organs don't have the ability to use or process. Eating the right amounts of carbohydrates, fats, and protein based on ancient genetics keeps you from eating either too little or too much, both of which cause us to hold onto unwanted and unnecessary body fat. Drink lots of water and eat whole, unprocessed foods. "

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2012 New Year's Resolution 9 Tips: #8 "I will Slow Down to Get Faster"

Nine Keys To Health And Happiness In The New Year | ThirdAge: "n the modern world, most people feel they must push their bodies and souls to the limit to make any gains in fitness, or in life. Slowing down allows your body to run more efficiently. Apply small focused changes that are gradual versus intense."

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2012 New Year's Resolution 9 Tips: # 7. "I will Surround Myself of People I want to Live with"

Nine Keys To Health And Happiness In The New Year | ThirdAge: "Asking for a healthy soul but choosing unsupportive friends will only prevent you from finding peace. Asking for a fit body, but eating junk foods, will only sabotage your own success. Surround yourself with actions, thoughts, and people who will empower you and allow you to achieve your personal success."

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2012 New Year's Resolution 9 Tips: #6. "I will Know & Set my Quest"

Nine Keys To Health And Happiness In The New Year | ThirdAge: "To get somewhere, you first have to know where you want to go. What physical goals are you striving toward? What kind of person do you want to become? Having these answers sets your intentions, helps focus your efforts, and provides you with tangible ways to measure the results. Set small goals. Set yourself up for success; for example, schedule your workouts at a time when you'll be most likely to do them. Turn your attention away from negative thoughts."

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2012 New Year's Resolution 9 Tips: #5. "I will Honor Myself"

Nine Keys To Health And Happiness In The New Year | ThirdAge: ". Self-love is the best way to honor yourself, and the most immediate tool you can use to fortify yourself against negative emotions like fear or self-doubt. Learning to honor and love yourself instantly transforms "need" into "peace." One of the factors that eats away at self-love is boredom--boredom with work, boredom with your own repetitious behaviors, boredom with life. Try to find what's new in the old; seek out new ways of thinking and behaving. Draw strength, support, and affirmation from community."

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2012 New Year's Resolution 9 Tips: #4. I will Reconnect with the Spiritual Side of Nature

Nine Keys To Health And Happiness In The New Year | ThirdAge: "Who hasn't been touched by a rose in bloom or trees coming to life in the springtime? Having a sense that you and Mother Earth have a special relationship lets you know that everything is as it should be, which makes our souls happy. The more you connect to nature, the more open you will be to its wisdom and calming influence."

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2012 New Year's Resolution 9 Tips: #3. I will Transform My Fear, Anger & Jealousy

Nine Keys To Health And Happiness In The New Year | ThirdAge: "Good thoughts lead us to incredible awareness and experiences. Olympic athletes know this, which is why they psych themselves up before a big event. Each day brings personal "Olympic moments"--for instance, an important meeting, a big workout, a tough but necessary talk with a friend, or a commitment to a daily spiritual practice. Fear, anger, and jealousy hinder our optimal performance. Bite off a smaller chunk of tasks that seem overwhelming. Get perspective on the real significance of your troubles and reactions by being out in nature. Accept the fact that challenge is normal and life is not controllable."

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2012 New Year's Resolution 9 Tips: #2 "I Will Quiet My Mind"

Nine Keys To Health And Happiness In The New Year | ThirdAge: "Ignoring external chatter and focusing on one thought or a single repetition is an extremely effective tool for dissipating emotional stress and helping shift negative thoughts. Learning to quiet your mind also helps to reduce cortisol levels in your body and increase DHEA, a feel-good hormone that promotes feeling of serenity. Quieting your mind can help you sleep better, eat more healthfully, and keep work and life pressures in perspective. One of the best ways to quiet your mind is to exercise, especially outside"

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2012 New Year's Resolution Tips: # 1. "I will Balance My Responses to Stress"

Nine Keys To Health And Happiness In The New Year | ThirdAge: "Chronic stress produces high cortisol levels that don't go away. Chronically high cortisol will make you sick, physically and emotionally. Stress can come from multiple sources including these six: negative emotions, too little sleep, poor diet, overwork, toxic chemicals, and inflammation. The antidote for stress is balance. Look at each of these six stress triggers individually and work on finding small ways to reduce excesses and achieve more balance in each area. Seek more laughter, calmness, and clarity in your life."

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tip: Being Responsible with Other People teaches us how to be more Careful with our own Life & Be Better Caretaker of our Self

10 Ways to Beat the Blues | ThirdAge: "Stay Connected with Friends and Family
Fighting off guilt after spending an hour on Facebook? New research suggests staying connected with friends and family isnt only good for the latest gossip, its actually good for your mental health. When someone is connected to a group and feels responsibility to other people, that sense of purpose and meaning translates to taking better care of themselves and taking fewer risks," explains Julianne Holt-Lunstad, a psychologist at Brigham Young University."

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Tip: Try Something New. Variation in Daily Routine can help fight the Blues

10 Ways to Beat the Blues | ThirdAge: "Try Something New
Whether trying a new dish for dinner, or a listening to a new playlist on your way to work, variation in your daily routine can help the blues. "When you're unhappy, known things, familiar things lose their appeal. Novelty, on the other hand, becomes more attractive," explains Piotr Winkielman, psychology professor at the University of California San Diego."

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Tip: daily Exercise can help fight anxiety & can improve your mood

10 Ways to Beat the Blues | ThirdAge: "While the thought of exercise can sound like a downer to a couch potato, research suggests getting your butt to the gym might just put a smile on your face. Daily exercise can help you fight depression, anxiety, and generally improve your mood, so turn off the TV and move!"

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Tip: Meditation shifts Brain Waves fr Stress-Prone Right Frontal Cortex of Brain to More Relaxed Left Frontal Cortex- reducing mild depression

10 Ways to Beat the Blues | ThirdAge: "Dating back centuries, meditation is a staple technique to fight stress, but new research suggests this behavior can even lighten your mood. A recent study at the University of Massachusetts found that meditation shifts brain waves from the stress-prone right frontal cortex of our brain, to the more relaxed, left frontal cortex, reducing stress, mild depression, and even anxiety."

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