Thursday, February 6, 2014

WELLNESS TIP: "Instead of asking yourself how to fix what you’re doing wrong, ask yourself how you can expand what you’re doing right."

5 Secrets to Better Life Habits: "How It Can Work for You: The Heaths explain that our default setting is to look at the negative. In fact, they tell us, a psychologist once analyzed 558 common emotion words used in the English language and found that only 38% of them were positive. Just like we tend to remember bad gossip over the good, we harbor more on the wrong results than the right ones."

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WELLNESS TIP: TO BREAK BAD HABITS, BREAK DOWN RESOLUTIONS TO MICRORESOLUTIONS. “or setting goals that are so realistic and manageable that you could not possibly talk yourself out of them. Arnold stresses that the microresolution should be a precise, explicit action for it to be successful. Example, “I want to become fluent in Chinese” gets broken down into “I will learn two new Chinese words every day on the subway on my way to work.”

5 Secrets to Better Life Habits: "How It Can Work for You: Find a way to break down your financial goals to go from aspiration to execution. “I will be better with money,” may become “I will take a Money Minute on my iPhone every morning before I leave the breakfast table.” And don’t go overboard by piling on the microresolutions. Practice only one of them for the next two weeks. Once that one becomes more automatic, add a second, such as “I will walk two extra blocks to go to the non-fee ATM.”"

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WELLNESS TIP: MAKE A RIGHT DECISION BASED ON ONE GOOD REASON. TRUST YOUR INSTINCT! "Your gut, your instinct, or your intuition is helping you come to a conclusion based on heuristics (the fancy way to say rules of thumb) that your brain has absorbed as a result of time, experience and evolution."

5 Secrets to Better Life Habits: "When you go with your gut, you’re not just working off emotion; you’re actually disposing of information that your brain instantly and intuitively deems unnecessary. In other words, you’re unconsciously separating the wheat from the chaff in order to make a lightning-fast decision. (It’s how baseball players, for instance, know to catch a ball). Gigerenzer tells us that the theory that you can make a right decision based on one good reason, rather than many, is dubbed “take the best.”"

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WELLNESS TIP: MAKE IT HARDER "NOT TO DO" THE SMART THING. Example: If u want to eat healthier, achieve this by simply moving the healthy food to to your eye level and puts the unhealthy food further back and out of reach. According to the authors, changing how the foods are displayed could up the consumption of healthier food by as much as 25%.

5 Secrets to Better Life Habits: "Best of all? It’s actually the easiest move. She hasn’t eliminated anyone’s freedom of choice; she’s simply made a small tweak that makes the healthier food decision a little more user-friendly. Thaler and Sunstein call this “choice architecture,” or influencing decisions by changing the context of how the choices are presented. They argue that, in a similar fashion, we can “nudge” other people, and ourselves, to make the best decision simply by making, or “architecting,” small tweaks to our own environments."

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WELLNESS TIP: Practice "IMPLEMENTATION INTENTION. One key to adopting a better habit is to create a connection between a specific situation and a resulting action, and then practice repeating that process. One way to do this is to put the desired outcome into an “if … then” statement. For instance, if you’re trying to be a kinder person this year, say, “If I see a person struggling with a stroller, then I will offer to help.”

5 Secrets to Better Life Habits: "How It Can Work for You: You can apply implementation intention to just about any money habit you want to adopt. Just make sure the “if” trigger is not so specific that it gives you few opportunities to try out your new habit, says Dean, and not so wide that it it’s too vague. For instance, if you want to chip away at credit card debt, try something like this: “If I am buying something that is less than $30, then I will use cash.”"

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WELLNESS TIP: Be Happy, Eat Dark Chocolates. "That warm chocolately hug you feel inside every time you give in to the sweet stuff isn’t just your imagination. A study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology found that participants who consumed a chocolate infused drink every day felt happier and calmer than a control group who didn’t have the drink. The reason chocolate makes you feel so happy is it increases the production of serotonin in your brain, which is a hormone commonly found in antidepressants. If you want this mood boost without feeling guilty, opt for healthier natural dark chocolate without added sugar or milk." - 5 surprising foods that can affect your mood - Yahoo She Philippines

5 surprising foods that can affect your mood - Yahoo She Philippines:

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WELLNESS TIP: Be Calm, Eat Brown Rice. "Brown rice is the perfect food for people who regularly suffer from mood swings, and that’s because it’s high in soluble fibre. Fibre slows the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, which serves to stabilise your mood and decrease mood swings. Mood swings commonly occur during high-stress periods of your life, and can severely impact on both your career and personal life. If you’re not a fan of brown rice there are plenty of other foods whose high fibre content means they’re great for calming your mood, such as oats and Brussels sprouts." - 5 surprising foods that can affect your mood - Yahoo She Philippines

5 surprising foods that can affect your mood - Yahoo She Philippines:

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Wellness Tip: Avoid Sugar to be Sweet! Because "Sugar can make you feel angry Just as fibre can calm you by stabilising your blood sugar, consuming too much sugar can cause fluctuations in your blood sugar and have the opposite effect. Although you might crave sugar and experience an initial mood boost when you first have it, over time it will lead to mood swings and make you feel angry. Researchers at Princeton University found that these mood swings are amplified by the fact that sugar can be as addictive as some drugs. They found that the body can become dependent on sugar if enough is consumed, which leads to mood altering cravings. And when you finally give in and have a sugary snack? The whole cycle starts over again, and your mood swings worsen." - 5 surprising foods that can affect your mood - Yahoo She Philippines

5 surprising foods that can affect your mood - Yahoo She Philippines:

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