Friday, September 30, 2011

Wellness for Peace: Wellness Tip: Stop the cycle of Use & Abuse by not letting others fix the "pain"

Wellness for Peace: Wellness Tip: "Real love is not Addiction": "The neurochemistry of love can become a drug as difficult to give up as alcohol or cocaine. Words we often associate with addiction include obsessive, excessive, destructive, compulsive, habitual, attached, and dependent. And when you think about it, some of these words are also used to talk about love. And the similarities do not stop there.

The love addict may understand intellectually that their behavior is self destructive, but physically and emotionally they are drawn into it over and over again. The number and variety of out of control behaviors when love is withdrawn are becoming legion in the daily news: “Young woman ends abusive love relationship and is brutally murdered.” “CEO charged with sexual harassment.” “Coach sued for child support by a former lover.” “Domestic abuse charges filed by wife of a professional sports star.” “Public official caught in scandalous affair.” How is it that we are simultaneously seeking wellness and love but descending into a well of violence and obsession?"
WHO GETS IT? And WHY? by Brenda Schaefer

Wellness for Peace: Wellness Tip: Regain Your Power, Get Out of Love Addiction

Wellness for Peace: Wellness Tip: "Real love is not Addiction": "Love addiction is any unhealthy attachment to people, euphoria, romance or sex in an attempt to get needs met. Psychologically, love addiction is a reliance on someone external to the self in an attempt to heal past trauma, get unmet needs fulfilled, avoid fear or emotional pain, solve problems, fill our loneliness and maintain balance. The paradox is that love addiction is an attempt to gain control of our lives, and in so doing; we go out of control by giving personal power to someone outside ourselves. Addictive love is an attempt to satisfy our developmental hunger for security, sensation, power, belonging, and meaning. Love addiction is very often associated with feelings of “never having enough” or “not being enough.” "
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Wellness for Peace: Wellness Tip: Steps to getting out of love addiction

Wellness for Peace: Wellness Tip: "Real love is not Addiction": " Why get out of love addiction? The biggest reason is that it limits and stunts our growth as a human and spiritual being.

Steps to getting out of love addiction:

1. Believe that healthy love is possible.
2. Be willing to assess your love life honestly.
3. Accept that the only person you can change is you.
4. Connect the unhealthy aspects of your love life with your inner beliefs and past trauma.
5. Change your beliefs to those that encourage healthy love
6. Let go of fear.
7. Experience yourself as unconditional love and live it."

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Wellness for Peace: Wellness Tip: "Real love is not Addiction"

Wellness for Peace: Wellness Tip: "Real love is not Addiction": "Love Addiction is nothing but a misguided dependency on others in an attempt to fulfill unmet developmental needs. We often choose people similar to those in the past who did not meet our needs hoping this time we will end up satisfied. But because they are similar or we view them as similar, we end up feeling dissatisfied once more. A key element in identifying dependent love is how we feel when the person disapproves of us, disagrees with us, moves away from us, or threatens us. An escalation of behaviors occurs when the love object threatens to leave us psychologically or physically. Dependent love is always self-serving. It survives on psychological myths: “I will take care of your fears and inadequacies so you will take care of mine.” “If you fail me, I will do whatever it takes to keep you around.”" And this one is not healthy, it must be normalize to get you back to your senses.

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wellness Tip: Cure the Pain via Mind Detox: Objective Emotional Healing

Wellness for Peace: Cure the Pain via Mind Detox: Objective Emotional Healing: "“With diabetes, and other chronic illnesses such as arthritis, lung disease, hypertension, so many aspects of your life are affected. Depression and chronic illness are closely related.”

As a wellness practitioner myself, I have come to realize in my case studies that Pain has its root cause from the emotional trauma of a person that happened in the past. Most of the time, the traumatic experience was already forgotten. Due to the fact, that our brain is capable of shutting off painful memories as part of human survival.

However, the emotional trauma will later on manifest through the body. It may be shut off for a while in the memory but the body's reaction to it cannot be denied. Example, hypertension, has a root cause from the "unsettled anger" during the innocent years of the child probably caused by family feud, issues, violated rights, etc w/c the child during that time cannot understand why he/she is angry (he/she may not even know the term "angry" yet during that time) but the child feels it and the body reacts to it."

Restlessness, tantrums, clinging, too much crying, etc. are some of the manifestations. And when the child grows up, it exhibits unruly behavior or extreme dangerous inclinations. He/she may also have addictive behaviors like being workaholic, smoking, drugs, or "daredevil" decisions.

If not properly address during the child's developmental years with an educated guardian, teachers or responsible parents, the child will resort to other means to ease the hurt.

This hurts will later on progress making the child more sickly when young until it develops into chronic pain as the child gets older and become an adult. It can produce sickness like diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, etc.

One way to heal the chronic pain is through emotional therapy by the use of creative exploration, for the adult to go back to his/her innocent years and recall the unfinished business. This therapy however, requires an experienced, open minded & objective "emotion healer" who can lead the adult to go through the process by opening the door of the mind, searching and cleaning it thoroughly, and leaving it clean.

In my opinion, I believe that the mind cannot be shut-off totally, not until your dead. All memories, good or bad, shows into a person's actions on a day to day basis, until he/she is living.

Everything is part of the person's composition already. What is needed is for the adult to understand why she/he react this way or that way on some matters. The "Mind Journey" is to know oneself deeply as a responsible adult through the objective guidance of the "emotion healer".

There are requirements however before an adult goes through the "Mind Journey" process. The adult must be intelligent, matured, and capable of logical thinking. She/he must also have full trust and confidence to his/her Emotion Healer to guide her/him in the journey to discuss intellectually the emotional release and experience.

Several sessions are given to finally detoxify the mind and to also give continuous learning of the adult to monitor his/her brain detoxification of thoughts and memories.

This is part of the wellness lifestyle as a discipline. Detoxification is mind & body.

For more info or if you want to attend my wellness workshops, e-mail me at or call/text 0927.676.7738.

Wellness Workshops through Creative Exploration are done by group while Brain Journey for emotional healing is 1on1 session as scheduled.
Workshop venue/s in the Philippines.

All right then, if you can't reach me because you are not here, I am just a blog away. Click my name and you find me in google.

You are not far, you're just on the other side of the horizon...and we can always be connected..

Take care of yourself so you can take care of your loved one... for nothing is so sweet than being with the one you love...!

Your Wellness Teacher,
Zara Jane Juan

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Wellness Tip for Peace: Food to Help Boost Your mood - YouTube

Food to Help Boost Your mood - YouTube: Are you angry, jealous, stressed, etc. click link to watch on Youtube (5min:41sec) "Here Kerri-Anne and I discuss some amazing research coming out linking the foods we eat with depression. What moods affect your cravings? What are the best foods to help combat depression. Find out here."

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Wellness Tips for Peace: Coping With Depression | ThirdAge

Strategies for Coping With Depression | ThirdAge: "Although depression is a serious illness that warrants expert medical treatment, you have plenty of options for contributing to your care and helping yourself climb out of your emotional rut. Click through for information about proven ways to feel more positive and begin to enjoy life again. But remember that even if your symptoms start to ease, you should never stop treatment without consulting your doctor."


Resist the Urge to Self-MedicateMany people, wittingly or unwittingly, try to mask depression by drinking or using recreational drugs. However, alcohol is a central nervous system depressant... Drugs can have the same effect... Don't let substance abuse derail your efforts to get better. Seek help and support if you need it.

Cut Back on the CaffeineA good jolt of java in the morning may help you get going, but too many cups of coffee can make you jittery and anxious. That in turn can contribute to your overall malaise.

Eat Fruits, Veggies, and Whole GrainsThe mind-body connection is very real. Treat yourself well by eating a healthy diet

Eat Fish Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12 may help mitigate the mood fluctuations that are typical of depression. Fatty fish are a prime source of these valuable nutrients. Choose salmon, tuna, or mackerel

Choose Carbs That Boost SerotoninThe level of the feel-good brain chemical called serotonin is higher when you eat low-fat carbohydrates. Treat yourself to popcorn, a baked potato, or pasta for a delicious way to help beat depression.

Get Moving!Exercise is so valuable that you may not even need medication for depression if you're faithful about doing your workouts...Dance classes are a perfect example.

Don't Allow Pain to Drag You DownDepression actually makes pain worse. If you have arthritis or any other chronic condition, ask your doctor for help in managing the pain so you can break the cycle and get on track to wellness in every way.

Let the Sun Shine In!Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a debilitating version of depression that hits when you are not exposed to enough sunlight. .. And wherever you live, take advantage of the sunshine every time you can rather than holing up and nursing your mood in the dark.

Get CreativeUnleash your inner artist! Creative activities have long been known to be mood boosters

Take a Stress BreakMeditation really works. Try joining a yoga class and learning how to be mindful. Other options are listening to calming music, relaxing in a hot bath or just closing you eyes and going on a mental vacation. You'll feel calmer and more in control when you get back to the real world.

Reach Out to OthersA phenomenon called "helper's high" has been shown to activate your happy hormones, the endorphins. When you volunteer or do something for someone less fortunate, your whole sense of well-being is enhanced.

Get Enough Shut-EyeDisturbed sleep patterns are commonly associated with depression. You may sleep too much and not want to get out of bed in the morning or you may sleep fitfully and find yourself dragging the next day. Get yourself into a routine so that your body adjusts to the regular pattern of bedtime and wake up time. Also, don't watch stimulating TV shows or movies in the evening. Slow down and read or listen to music instead.

Be in Good CompanyDon't become a deliberate shut-in. The temptation not to get out and about may be strong when you're depressed but cutting yourself off from the people who love you and want to support you is a big mistake. Study after study has shown that those with a large circle of friends are the happiest.

Pet Your PetsFido and Fluffy really are your best friends! They adore you no matter what mood you're in and they think you're wonderful even when you're down on yourself. Stroking a furry head or better yet, having a good romp in the yard or the park can do wonders to lift your mood and your self-esteem. Also, taking care of your pets can help you feel worthwhile therefore less depressed

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Wellness Tip: Lower Your Cholesterol & Avoid Heart Disease

15 Tips For Avoiding Heart Disease | ThirdAge: LDL is known as the “bad” cholesterol while HDL is the “good”, but there is now some debate even about that. The bad cholesterol is increased by saturated fats in your diet, which causes plaque to build up in the arteries leading to heart disease. HDL is believed to be beneficial in clearing the plaque. Important takeaway: you want to monitor your diet in order to lower the plaque-causing cholesterol.

Start with portion control.Let’s face it, Americans just plain eat too much. Use your hand as a way to measure the right size portions. A serving of your protein of choice would be about what fits into your hand. A serving of pasta, rice or cooked vegetables should fit into your cupped hands. A serving of fresh fruit is about the size of your fist. And don’t even ask about dessert.

Heart-healthy Diet BasicsStart with fish twice a week. Why? Fish is low in saturated fats and high in omega-3 fatty acids which help lower triglycerides, a type of fat in the blood. Order salmon, tuna, trout and sardines. And broiled or baked, please. No fried fish and chips.

The Right CarbsWe all need carbohydrates for energy, but not all carbs are created equal. Your best bet is to get your energy from carbs like whole grains, whole-wheat pasta and beans, which are high in fiber, will raise your sugar levels less and can help lower cholesterol. Limit your intake of other carbs like white potatoes, cake and white rice—they’ll make your blood sugar levels skyrocket and crash much faster, which can leave you feeling hungry.

From The Ground UpIt’s hard to say whether the antioxidants in fruits and veggies help lower LDL cholesterol or if it’s just that we tend to eat less fattening foods if we’re the type who crave apples and carrots as snacks. Either way, load up on these all-natural, delicious foods—they help keep your blood pressure down and your weight at a healthy number.

Whole Grains For Breakfast
Help reduce LDL by having a bowl of oatmeal or whole grain cereal for breakfast. Plus, the fiber and complex carbs in these grains will keep you feeling full, so you’ll be less likely to pit stop at office vending machine for an unhealthy snack. Wild rice, brown rice, popcorn and whole-wheat flower are other examples of whole grains.

Eat “Good” FatEven when you’re watching your waistline, you can’t completely cut fat from your diet. About 25-35 percent of our daily caloric intake should consist of healthy, unsaturated fats which helps to lower LDL cholesterol levels and raise HDL cholesterol. Unsaturated fat can be found in canola, olive and safflower oils.

Lose WeightIf you’re carrying too much extra weight, you could be at risk for high blood pressure, high cholesterol and even type 2 diabetes. Combat cardiovascular disease by watching your weight and losing extra fat, especially fat around your midsection, which is associated with the hardening of your arteries.

Work OutAll you need is 30 minutes of physical activity five days a week (yes, walking counts!) to help lower your LDL cholesterol levels and boost your HDL cholesterol. Exercising helps keep your weight in check and your body in shape which can help prevent your arteries from clogging.

Nuts For NutsIt’s not all bad news. Nuts, which are a lot of people’s favorite snack, are good for you. They lower bad LDL and increase the probably beneficial HDL. Studies say people who eat an ounce of nuts a day have lower rates of heart disease. But it is only an ounce. Try them as a snack before meals since they also cut your appetite.

How To Eat OutSeeing a tempting photograph of a juicy hamburger on the menu doesn’t make it easy to eat healthy at a restaurant. But even when you’re not eating at home it’s still important to stick to foods that are low in saturated fat, sodium and calories to help keep your cholesterol at a healthy level. Don’t order anything that is cooked “fried”—stick to boiled, steamed, baked and grilled. And don’t forget to control your portion size—if the dish you ordered was bigger than you expected, take the rest of it home

Don’t StressSome research suggests that high stress can actually directly increase your cholesterol levels. In addition, stressing out all the time can raise your blood pressure and cause plaque from the cholesterol to build up in your arteries. Decompress and relax at least once a day—try meditating, going for a walk or taking deep breaths.

See A Doctor RegularlyIf you know you have high cholesterol, it is important to check in with your doctor regularly to make sure everything is running smoothly. There’s no doubt that managing your cholesterol takes work. So when your doctor makes suggestions regarding your diet, health and lifestyle choices, make sure you listen!

Read Those LabelsThe super-market shelves can be a bit overwhelming, but for your heart’s sake, it important to take a minute to scan the box and know what you’re buying. To ensure that your choice is healthy, check the ingredients and nutrition facts— “whole wheat” or “whole grain” should be one of the first ingredients listed and the saturated fat content should low. Also, make note of the serving size—it may be bigger than you think!

Take ControlYour doctor may know best, but in the end, the only person who can take control and better your health is you. Make healthy choices daily that will keep your cholesterol levels in check—order the bean salad instead of the cheeseburger—and get ready to enjoy a longer, more fulfilling life!

Wellness Tip: Foods That Fight High Blood Pressure

Dark Chocolate
Who can complain about this one? According to a report by the "Journal of the American Medical Association," eating one half ounce per day of dark chocolate, which is high in phenols, is associated with lowering blood pressure.

Potassium-Packed Fruits And VeggiesFoods rich in potassium help balance the sodium mechanism, which affects our blood and kidneys. Some potassium-hearty foods include bananas, soybeans and soy products, white potatoes, lemons, cherry juice (unsweetened) organic apple cider vinegar, Chinese cabbage, dill and dandelion greens.

GarlicStudies have shown that because garlic is high in potassium, it helps to protect our heart and arteries. How? By reducing cholesterol levels, thereby preventing blood clots.

BeansA daily serving of one and 1/2 cups of beans provides enough soluble fiber to lower cholesterol levels, and these legumes are an excellent source of folic acid. Plus, beans help prevent buildup of artery-clogging substances that contribute to high blood pressure.

TomatoesWhether they’re heirloom or just the plain grocery-store variety, all tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which is an antioxidant that prevents LDL cholesterol from oxidizing. That’s why eating tomatoes helps prevent plaque formation and heart disease -- as well as reduces blood pressure.

#WED is Wellness in Environment Day TV show copyrighted in 2010 conceptualized & hosted by AmbassadorZara Jane Juan Wellness Pilipinas International News & Media Network

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