Monday, December 16, 2013

MONEY TIPS FOR THE HOLIDAYS: Only Spend $20 “My significant other, Rogelio, and I spend a big chunk of our holiday budget traveling around the country to visit family, so we don’t want to feel pressured to spend too much on gifts for each other. For the past two years, we’ve celebrated ‘$20 Holidays’—we each have to come up with something creative that comes in under $20. “Last year, I gave him a ‘Relax Package’ that included slippers I made myself and some nice massage oil—since I was the masseuse, the massage he got was free! For my gift, Rogelio cooked us dinner, took me to a light show at a nearby botanical garden, snagged an awesome Groupon for bowling and called in a favor from a friend who runs a car service. "We had so much fun that we now do $20 date nights every few months, and they’re some of the best dates we’ve ever had. These gifts end up being much more thoughtful than the more traditional things we’ve purchased for each other in the past.” -Kelly Ryan, communications and tourism manager

10 Ways to Make the Holidays Better—and Not Break the Bank:

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MONEY TIPS FOR THE HOLIDAYS: Splurge on Pre-Sliced “We’ve made it a fall tradition to go apple-picking with the kids and stock the freezer with homemade applesauce to use at Hanukkah. Also, when I’m cooking for a crowd, I take advantage of pre-cut sweet potatoes, mushrooms and onions. It may be a bit more expensive than buying whole produce and chopping it up myself, but time is money!” -Edith Beer, LearnVest software engineer

10 Ways to Make the Holidays Better—and Not Break the Bank:

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MONEY TIPS FOR THE HOLIDAYS: "Rather than spend money on decorations, make your fruits and vegetables do double duty as table adornments. For example, lemons and limes in a glass bowl can be a festive centerpiece, as well as a functional ingredient in food and drinks. Additionally, when you cut your tree branches, hold on to the excess trimmings—boughs gathered in a vase can create the perfect holiday touch." -Brett Bronte, director of special events for Hollywood POP, a N.Y.-based party and event planning firm

10 Ways to Make the Holidays Better—and Not Break the Bank:

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Friday, September 13, 2013

Wellness Tip: Do Daily 8-Minute Workout: Pilates for a Longer, Leaner Look. Pilates does more than just tone and firm your core. By initiating all movements from your center, you'll improve your posture and look leaner in just a few workouts, says Howard Sichel, a chiropractor and president and co-owner of Power Pilates in New York City. To maximize results, keep your belly button drawn in and up, your neck and back long, and your shoulders relaxed. Do this routine daily to keep your body looking its best.

8-Minute Workout: Pilates for a Longer, Leaner Look:

Minutes 0:00-1:00: Swan
Targets: Back, Abdominals, Inner Thighs
Lie facedown on the floor, legs together, palms on floor by shoulders, elbows at sides.
Press hands into floor and inhale, lifting head, shoulders, and chest.
Arch upper back slightly, keeping abs drawn in.
Take 2 or 3 breaths.
Slowly return head and chest to floor.

Double-Leg Stretch

Minutes 1:00-2:00
Targets: Abdominals, Inner Thighs

  • Lie on back, hugging knees into chest.
  • Curl head, neck, and shoulders off floor.
  • Extend arms overhead next to ears; simultaneously lift legs 45 degrees.
  • Hold for 1 count, then bend knees, circling arms out to sides to return hands to shins.
  • Repeat, keeping upper body lifted and inner thighs pressed together.

Spine Stretch Forward

Minutes 2:00-4:00
Targets: Back, Abdominals
  • Sit with arms and legs extended.
  • Inhale and sit up tall; exhale and reach forward over legs.
  • Curl head, neck, and shoulders forward, scooping navel toward spine. (Think of bending over a beach ball, not bending at the waist.)
  • Inhale; hold for 1 count.
  • Exhale; deepen abdominal scoop.
  • Inhale, rolling up to sit.
  • Repeat.

Seated Spine Twist

Minutes 4:00-6:00
Targets: Obliques
  • Sit with legs extended, feet flexed, arms extended at sides at shoulder level.
  • Inhale and sit up tall, then exhale and draw yourabs in, twisting at the waist to the right.
  • Rotate rib cage, arms, and head, keeping hipssquare.
  • Inhale and return to face front.
  • Repeat to the left, then continue to alternate sides.

Leg Pull Front

Minutes 6:00-7:00
Targets: Abdominals, Back, Quads
  • Sit with legs extended, hands on floor, fingers pointing toward body.
  • Lift hips off floor to bring body into a straight line.
  • Raise left leg as high as you can without shifting hips.
  • Hold for 3 seconds, then slowly lower leg to floor.
  • Alternate sides.

Leg Pull Back

Minutes 7:00-8:00
Targets: AbdominalsGlutesHamstringsChest(not shown)
  • Start out in a full push-up position with yourabdominals engaged, hands in line with shoulders.
  • Lift left leg 2 to 5 inches off the floor.
  • Point toes and hold for 3 full seconds before slowly lowering your leg.
  • Repeat with right leg; continue to alternate sides.
Originally published in Fitness magazine, June 2005.
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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Wellness Tip: Nourish Self Even Without Meat: There are several kinds of meat-free diets. The most common are: Lacto-ovo-vegetarian: this describes the majority of vegetarians. Meat, poultry and fish are excluded, but eggs and dairy products are still eaten. Lacto-vegetarian: Meat, poultry, fish and eggs are excluded; dairy products are still eaten. Vegan: All animal products are excluded, including meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products. So what nutrients do animal products provide and what are alternative sources? Meat, poultry and fish provide a number of nutrients including protein, iron and zinc, while dairy products are a source of calcium. If you choose not to eat these foods, you should be aware of other sources of these nutrients. Protein Proteins are made up of building blocks called amino acids, which are used to make enzymes, hormones and antibodies. Proteins also have other functions, for example, to help build bone and hair. Animal protein is ‘complete’, which means that it contains the nine essential amino acids that can’t be made by the human body. Vegetarians can find this complete protein in eggs and milk. Plant foods tend not to contain complete proteins, but when eaten together with other plant foods can join forces to create a complete protein profile. Vegans especially should try to mix grains, legumes, seeds, nuts and vegetables in each meal or at least throughout the day. This can be as simple as eating more beans or a chickpea curry with rice. Iron Iron’s main job is to transport oxygen around the body in red blood cells. Iron deficiency can cause fatigue and apathy, and if severe, can lead to anemia. Women are particularly susceptible to deficiency because their iron requirements are higher than men’s (due to the blood they lose during menstruation). Iron from meat is more easily absorbed than iron from plants. That said, wholegrains, legumes, green leafy vegetables and dried fruits are also good sources of iron. The citric acid and vitamin C in orange juice increase iron absorption, so vegetarians would be wise to drink a glass with iron-rich foods. On the other hand, tannins in tea reduce absorption, so it’s best to wait half an hour or so after eating before brewing a cup. Zinc Zinc is a major player in the body’s immune system and metabolic processes. Around 50 per cent of zinc in most of the population's diet comes from meat. Plant sources include green leafy vegetables, seeds, pulses and wholegrains. Omega-3 fatty acids These powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-clotting oils, most commonly found in oily fish, can help prevent heart disease. Linseed and rapeseed oils are good sources for vegetarians. Calcium Calcium builds bone and teeth and is also involved in muscle contraction. Dairy products are a great source of calcium, but vegans may require other sources such as green leafy vegetables, soya, seeds, nuts and fortified foods like soya milk, flour and cereal. Vitamin B12 This nutrient can only be found in animal products; therefore vegans are at risk of deficiency. Vitamin B12 is important for the nervous system and cell production, particularly red blood cells. Some foods such as soya milk, cereals and meat-substitutes are fortified with B12; vegans should try to eat these foods regularly and should also consider supplements.- Yahoo! She Philippines

Can a meat free diet be a healthy one? - Yahoo! She Philippines: "Health benefits of a meat-free diet

Vegetarians have been shown to have lower rates of heart disease, type II diabetes, constipation and high blood pressure than meat-eaters. They are also likely to be leaner. However, researchers are not sure if this is due to the diet itself or the healthy lifestyle that vegetarians are more likely to follow e.g. not smoking, low alcohol intake and regular exercise. Read more on"

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Wellness Tip: Protect Your Career: 1. Don't call in sick then post photos of yourself at the beach on facebook. "That could be detrimental to your relationship with your supervisor and co-workers," 2. A Facebook page is expected in certain professional environments. Create an "Ideal Self" profile in case employers ask to view it. 3. Follow the leader. Let your boss or those more senior than you make the first move to add you on facebook. Proactively sending a friend request could create an awkward situation. 4. Consider connecting with supervisors on Linkedin as an alternative to Facebook. "Linkedin is very professional while Facebook is intended to be more personal," 5. Take advantage of Facebook's blocking and restricted settings. You aren't obligated to share social media updates with everyone in the office. "If you're concerned about slighting subordinates by turning down invites, you can accept friend requests but use privacy settings and lists to control who can view certain content," - Written by Juliette Fairley for MainStreet

The Reason You Shouldn't Facebook Friend Your Boss - MainStreet: "An OfficeTeam survey found that 62% of senior managers are uncomfortable being friended on Facebook by the employees they supervise, and 57% were uncomfortable being friended by clients or vendors. "People have different comfort levels when it comes to social media, so it's best not to blanket colleagues with friend requests," said Robert Hosking, executive director of OfficeTeam. "Along with being selective about who you ask to connect with online, you should always post prudently. You don't want to share information that could reflect poorly on you." The study also found that nearly 50% of people prefer not to connect with co-workers on Facebook at all."

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Wellness Tip: SAVE. Simply pick a start date, set calendar alerts for set times when you want to up your contributions, and then sit back and watch your balance grow. Certain banks and brokerages will even automate the process for you by letting you program a percentage amount by which you can increase your contributions over time.

4 Ways to Trick Your Brain Into Banishing Bad Money Habits: "By having the money come directly out of your paychecks, before it hit their bank accounts, you will never missed the money. Essentially, you bypassed the portion of your brain that loves temptation and activated the slow-thinking region that promotes self-control.

While you could opt out of upping your contributions at any time (so you won't feel trapped), what happened instead was a phenomenon called “status quo bias.” In layman’s terms, it’s a tendency to keep doing what we’ve always done.

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Wellness Tip: Stop Bad Money Habits by choosing a particular plan, committing to the idea of allocating a certain amount to repayment each month and engaging peer support (read: those telephone or email reminders from friends). Once again, effort trumped any underlying genetics: “Good habits do end-runs around the parts of our personality that give in to temptation,” explains Dr. Shefrin.

4 Ways to Trick Your Brain Into Banishing Bad Money Habits:


Wellness Tip: Banish Bad Money Habits by coming up with a RULE OF THUMB TO LIVE BY - a specific heuristic to help you combat each one. Psychologists have found that we tend to feel poorly about ourselves for breaking the rule, even if we created it.

4 Ways to Trick Your Brain Into Banishing Bad Money Habits: "Adopt a New Mantra
How It Works: For this exercise, you’ll be using the help of a fancy scientific term known as a “heuristic,” which is essentially a rule of thumb that you live by to make decision-making easier. You probably already have many money heuristics that you abide by every day—whether you’re conscious of them or not.
Some examples: “I only buy used cars,” “always take your tax return to the bank” and “I deserve to shop online after a hard day at work.” As you can see, some heuristics are better for your finances than others."


Wellness Tip: "Override bad money behavior by adopting good habits that reflect the person you really want to be. If we identify ourselves as responsible, and take pride in living up to the virtues associated with that identity, then we activate reward centers in the brain associated with goal achievement,” says Dr. Shefrin. The other helpful factor: Humans have a desire to see themselves in a certain light, and we’ll reject anything that conflicts with that reality. It’s a phenomenon known as identity reinforcement theory"

4 Ways to Trick Your Brain Into Banishing Bad Money Habits:

TIP: "Spend on Your Best Self
How It Works: To make your money behave the way you want it to, you need to first decide who you are and then make your budget obey that identity. Perplexed? Let us explain. It can be hard to just “save” blindly or “not spend so much” when you don’t have a larger goal driving you. But if you’re someone who believes that providing for your children is important (like this mom, who says paying for her daughter’s college is her ultimate financial goal), you’ll be a lot more likely to make financial decisions align with your principles"


Saturday, August 24, 2013

Psychology of 35-40 yrs old: Ready for Settling Down: 'The Establishment Phase', on major life investments—work, family, friends, community activities, and values. What has been termed 'the Culminating Life Structure for Early Adulthood (33–40) is the vehicle for completing this era and realizing our youthful aspirations. People in their thirties may increase the financial and emotional investments they make in their lives, and may have been employed long enough to gain promotions and raises. They often become more focused on advancing their careers and gaining stability in their personal lives—'with marriage and child-rearing,' starting a family, coming to the fore as priorities.

Young adult (psychology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "According to Erikson, in the wake of the adolescent emphasis upon identity formation, 'the young adult, emerging from the search for and insistence on identity, is eager and willing to fuse his identity with that of others. He [or she] is ready for intimacy, that is, the capacity to concrete affiliations and partnerships.'[20] To do so means the ability 'to face the fear of ego loss in situations which call for self-abandon: in the solidarity of close affiliations, in orgasms and sexual unions, in close friendships and in physical combat'.[21] Avoidance of such experiences 'because of a fear of ego-loss may lead to a deep sense of isolation and consequent self-absorption'.[21]. Where isolation is avoided, the young adult may find instead that 'satisfactory sex some way take the edge off the hostilities and potential rages caused by the oppositeness of male and female, of fact and fancy, of love and hate';[22] and may grow into the ability to exchange intimacy, love and compassion."

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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Wellness Tip: Sweet potatoes It is thought that the antioxidant glutathione that is found in sweet potatoes is the component that helps our nutrient metabolism. Plus the vitamin B nutrient within sweet potatoes is also thought to help burn fat within the body. Alternative: other orange and vibrant fruit and vegetables like carrots, pumpkin, avocado or watermelon can all increase your glutathione levels and aid nutrient metabolism.

Sweet potato | 5 Kinds of Food that Boost Metabolism - Yahoo! She Philippines: "Sweet potatoes
It is thought that the antioxidant glutathione that is found in sweet potatoes is the component that helps our nutrient metabolism. Plus the vitamin B nutrient within sweet potatoes is also thought to help burn fat within the body.
Alternative: other orange and vibrant fruit and vegetables like carrots, pumpkin, avocado or watermelon can all increase your glutathione levels and aid nutrient metabolism."

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Wellness Tip: Green tea contains caffeine and catechins that are thought to boost our metabolism for several hours after drinking. Studies have found that one cup of green tea may not be enough to boost your metabolism though and it is thought that drinking between two to four cups of green tea may help you to get the boost you require. Alternative: other tea that contains catechins and caffeine is oolong tea, which is a partially fermented tea (green tea is unfermented) that has a sweet taste.

Green Tea | 5 Kinds of Food that Boost Metabolism - Yahoo! She Philippines: "Green Tea
Green tea contains caffeine and catechins that are thought to boost our metabolism for several hours after drinking. Studies have found that one cup of green tea may not be enough to boost your metabolism though and it is thought that drinking between two to four cups of green tea may help you to get the boost you require.
Alternative: other tea that contains catechins and caffeine is oolong tea, which is a partially fermented tea (green tea is unfermented) that has a sweet taste."

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Wellness Tip: Eggs One of the greatest nutritional benefits we gain from eating eggs is their protein. Protein does all sorts of good things for our body, one of which is helping to support the growth of our muscles. Muscle mass is essential for those looking to boost their metabolism because the more muscle mass you have the more calories you use up. Alternative: lean meats like chicken and turkey, or fish like tuna, sardines and salmon

Eggs | 5 Kinds of Food that Boost Metabolism - Yahoo! She Philippines: "Eggs
One of the greatest nutritional benefits we gain from eating eggs is their protein. Protein does all sorts of good things for our body, one of which is helping to support the growth of our muscles. Muscle mass is essential for those looking to boost their metabolism because the more muscle mass you have the more calories you use up.
Alternative: lean meats like chicken and turkey, or fish like tuna, sardines and salmon"

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Wellness Tip: Jalapenos are great for your metabolic rate because they contain a beneficial chemical called capsaicin, which is thought to boost your metabolism and help you to feel fuller for longer. Interestingly, another perk to eating hot foods containing capsaicin is that they trigger the release of endorphins and can leave people with a feeling of euphoria. Alternative: if you’re not a fan of jalapenos, you could choose other hot peppers that contain capsaicin, such as cayenne pepper or chili flakes.

Jalapeno | 5 Kinds of Food that Boost Metabolism - Yahoo! She Philippines: "Jalapenos are great for your metabolic rate because they contain a beneficial chemical called capsaicin, which is thought to boost your metabolism and help you to feel fuller for longer. Interestingly, another perk to eating hot foods containing capsaicin is that they trigger the release of endorphins and can leave people with a feeling of euphoria.
Alternative: if you’re not a fan of jalapenos, you could choose other hot peppers that contain capsaicin, such as cayenne pepper or chili flakes."

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Wellness Tip: SPINACH. Rich in Iron, it keeps your red blood cells healthy. Helps your red blood cells get the necessary oxygen to your muscles and in turn this helps to ensure your metabolism does not drop or decrease. Alternative: eat other foods rich in iron like kale, liver and chickpeas.

Spinach | 5 Kinds of Food that Boost Metabolism - Yahoo! She Philippines: "Spinach
The iron present in spinach is thought to help keep your red blood cells healthy. Therefore spinach helps your red blood cells get the necessary oxygen to your muscles and in turn this helps to ensure your metabolism does not drop or decrease. Alternative: eat other foods rich in iron like kale, liver and chickpeas."

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Wellness Tips: Vitamins good for your underarms: Vitamin B12, zinc and magnesium flush odor-causing toxins—so eat a balanced diet and don’t miss your daily dose of multi-vitamin supplements! Meanwhile, Vitamin C and Vitamin A help address hyperpigmentation (a condition that causes skin darkening), and can either be ingested orally or applied topically (consult your doctor on what’s best for you).

There are vitamins good for your underarms?! - Yahoo! She Philippines: "Here are practical tips for smooth, fair, and beautiful underarms:

1. Proper hygiene
Dead skin cells and sweat can accumulate and get trapped beneath the skin, causing dark spots and bumpy “chicken skin.” Remedy? Keep underarms clean and dry at all times, and gently slough off dead skin cells by exfoliating once a week.

2. No sweat
Damp, moist places (like sweaty armpits!) are a breeding ground for bacteria, which can cause body odor and skin darkening. Make sure that your grooming product is not just a deodorant (which simply masks body odor), but an anti-perspirant, too.

Certain vitamins are believed to help curb excessive sweating and body odor, including Vitamin B12, zinc and magnesium which flush odor-causing toxins—so eat a balanced diet and don’t miss your daily dose of multi-vitamin supplements! Meanwhile, Vitamin C and Vitamin A help address hyperpigmentation (a condition that causes skin darkening), and can either be ingested orally or applied topically (consult your doctor on what’s best for you). 

Also read: Put Your Hands Up In The Air!

4. Ditch that razor
When you shave your underarms, you’re probably scraping a good amount of skin along with hair, causing irritation, dryness, and (eek!) underarm discoloration. You’ll also have to deal with unsightly stubble in between shaves, which gives the impression of dark underarms. Switch to waxing, which removes hair from the root to leave you hairless longer, is gentler on the skin, and leaves skin feeling smoother; or even better, try permanent hair removal!

5. Smooth Operator 
If you can’t kick the shaving habit, be kind to your delicate underarms by using a moisturizing deodorant to soften and soothe skin.

6. Deo Habits 

Never apply deodorant immediately after shaving or waxing—it’s like applying chemicals on an open wound and will surely irritate your skin. As much as possible, groom your armpits in the evening when you sweat less and don’t need to apply deodorant.

Also read: Put An End To Underarm Problems

7. Rubbing You The Wrong Way 

Friction with underarms (wearing tight tops, overzealously applying roll-on) can cause skin darkening. Be sure to wear cool, breathable fabrics that don’t chafe against your skin. To lessen skin contact, you may also choose to switch from a stick or roll-on deo to a spray variant (remember to hold spray at least 6 inches from your underarms). 

8. Whitening Vitamins 

Antioxidant-rich Vitamin E has been said to aid skin whitening and smoothening, while Vitamin F is a combination of fatty acids which are known to contribute to proper skin barrier function. Look for deo products infused with Vitamin E and F to help repair skin, fade dark spots and lock in vital moisture.

9. Pure Protection 

Dark underarms, rashes, redness and allergic reactions may be caused by chemicals in hair removal creams and grooming products, or experimenting with every whitening scrub/harsh soap/miracle peel in the market. When your skin is extra sensitive, treat it with TLC by switching to a non-scented, hypoallergenic, paraben-free deo that is gentle on skin. 

10. Derma to the rescue 

Tried all of the above, to no avail? Sometimes, skin darkening is triggered by things beyond your control, like hormonal fluctuations, medical conditions, and taking certain medication. It’s best to chat with your derma for a safe and effective underarm treatment for you. CLICK LINK TO READ MORE

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Quit Smoking and Regain Your Natural Beauty Plus Consider Health Benefits and Keeping Your Life Longer! Studies confirm that the positive effects of quitting begin in as few as 20 minutes. Here are the immediate health and beauty rewards of quitting smoking, according to the American Cancer Society: 20 minutes after quitting your heart rate and blood pressure drop 12 hours after quitting the carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal 2 weeks to 3 months after quitting your circulation improves and your lung function increases You breath smells better and stained teeth get whiter Yellow stains on your fingers and nails start to disappear Food tastes better and your sense of smell returns to normal Everyday activities -- climbing stairs or light housework -- no longer leave you out of breath Plus, the National Cancer Institute reports the long-term benefits of quitting: 1 year after quitting the excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a continuing smoker Smokers who quit at age 30 reduce their chance of dying prematurely from smoking-related diseases by more than 90 percent People who quit at 50 reduce their risk of dying prematurely by 50 percent compared with those who continue to smoke

Give your love life a makeover Some women say their partners want to kiss them more after they quit smoking. Pucker up! Plan a fun (smoke-free) date with your sweetie to celebrate the new, kissable you! Give your purse a makeover and create a “ciggy bank” Quitting is easier when you’re prepared. Cravings can hit at any time, so make sure your purse is stocked with sugarless gum or mints, a water bottle, the QuitGuide app on your phone and something to keep your hands busy (knitting, Candy Crush). Create a “ciggy bank” for the money you're not spending on cigarettes -- and then treat yourself to something fun (see below!). More Tips: Give your hands a makeover Many women say their hands look younger after they quit smoking. Choose a fun nail polish color and get a manicure to remind yourself that your hands are too beautiful to tarnish with cigarettes. Give your clothes a makeover Remove the smell of smoke from your clothes by washing or dry-cleaning. Then splurge on a new outfit to add to your smoke-free wardrobe. Give your skin a makeover Smoking can cause your skin to become dry and lose elasticity, leading to wrinkles, premature aging and stretch marks. Pamper yourself with a homemade facial: In a bowl mash one banana; add a tablespoon of honey and 10 drops of lemon juice. Mix well and apply to face. Leave on for 15 minutes and then rinse well with warm water. Give your hair a makeover Get a trim, a new color or even a whole new style -- and show off a new 'do that doesn't smell like old cigarettes. Give your teeth a makeover Smoking stains your teeth yellow (and can cause tooth loss) so try this homemade teeth whitener: Pour one teaspoon of baking soda into a bowl and add 5-7 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Mix well and use as you would toothpaste. Give your workout a makeover Exercise is a great way to get through cravings and get a burst of energy. You don't have to join a gym, but do try something new: salsa, yoga or Zumba class, anyone? Get more tips and support to quit smoking by visiting Smokefree Women Alyson Penn is New York City-based writer. Follow her on Google+

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Anti-Cancer Superfoods: Tofu May protect against: Breast and prostate cancers Works because: The isoflavones contained in soy beans have a gently estrogen-mimicking effect in the body. This may help block the effects of stronger estrogens, both natural and those from environmental chemicals from sources such as plastics and pesticides. This may reduce the risk of hormone-linked cancers in both women and men. Asian populations who eat tofu regularly have lower risks of these cancers. Tofu also contains powerful antioxidants that may help keep other cancers at bay. Tofu and other whole soy foods seem to offer protection, but highly processed soy, such as in supplements, has not been shown to reduce cancer risk.

Anti-Cancer Superfoods - iVillage:
May protect against: Breast and prostate cancers

Works because: The isoflavones contained in soy beans have a gently estrogen-mimicking effect in the body. This may help block the effects of stronger estrogens, both natural and those from environmental chemicals from sources such as plastics and pesticides. This may reduce the risk of hormone-linked cancers in both women and men. Asian populations who eat tofu regularly have lower risks of these cancers. Tofu also contains powerful antioxidants that may help keep other cancers at bay. Tofu and other whole soy foods seem to offer protection, but highly processed soy, such as in supplements, has not been shown to reduce cancer risk."

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Anti-Cancer Foods: Garlic May protect against: Stomach, colon, mouth and throat cancer. Works because: The smelly compounds in garlic are potent anti-cancer agents. All of the onion family, including leeks and shallots, contain these compounds, too. In lab studies, chemically induced cancers were interrupted by the active compounds formed from allicin (which comes from garlic). Studies in humans show a lower risk of several common cancers in those who eat lots of garlic, compared to those who eat none. To get the most out of garlic, chop or crush the clove and eat it raw or cook it lightly.

Anti-Cancer Superfoods - iVillage:
May protect against: Many cancers including stomach, colon, mouth and throat

Works because: The smelly compounds in garlic are potent anti-cancer agents. All of the onion family, including leeks and shallots, contain these compounds, too. In lab studies, chemically induced cancers were interrupted by the active compounds formed from allicin (which comes from garlic). Studies in humans show a lower risk of several common cancers in those who eat lots of garlic, compared to those who eat none. To get the most out of garlic, chop or crush the clove and eat it raw or cook it lightly."

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Anti-Cancer Foods: Broccoli May protect against lung, colon, breast, bladder, prostate cancer. Works because: The slightly bitter flavor of broccoli—and its cousins Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower—is thought to be the main reason for its impressive track record deterring cancer. In lab studies the bitter chemicals isothiocyanates and glucosinolates actually interfere with cancer progression by activating enzymes that inhibit cancer cells, and suppressing those that promote cancer.

Anti-Cancer Superfoods - iVillage: CLICK LINK TO READ MORE

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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Inspirational Life of Peaceful Personalities in History: Edith Stein

Edith Stein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Edith Stein (born: October 12, 1891 – died: August 9, 1942), was a German Roman Catholic philosopher and nun, regarded as a martyr and saint of the Roman Catholic Church. Born into an observant Jewish family she was atheist by her teenage years; moved by the war tragedies, in 1915 she took lessons to become nursing assistant, and worked in an hospital for outbreak prevention; Edith was baptized on January 1, 1922 into the Roman Catholic Church."

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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Wellness Tip for Peace: Top 10 fruits that make you look beautiful from Yahoo! She Philippines

Top 10 fruits that make you look beautiful - Yahoo! She Philippines:
When it comes to looking your best, the first step is usually eating well and wisely. Before you try any beauty treatment or product that promises instant results, you should be watching what you eat. For instance, there are a lot of fruits that will make you look good, as well as give you the nutrients you need.
 Here are 10 of them.
TOMATOES. They're rich in lycopene, which boosts collagen production. Collagen keeps your skin firm and youthful looking. It may also protect you from sunburn.

MANGOES. They're rich in vitamin A, which is a potent antioxidant that is able to rejuvenate your skin. It also helps prevent your skin pores from getting clogged. Thus, it curbs pimple outbreaks.

BANANAS. Aside from being rich in potassium, bananas also contain vitamin E. That's why it helps in preventing wrinkles.
KIWIS. They're good source of vitamin C, whose antioxidant qualities fight the signs of aging. Moreover, kiwis' fiber content flush out toxins from the intestinal tract.

STRAWBERRIES. They're rich in antioxidants so if you munch on them, they're going to help fight the free radicals that cause lines and wrinkles. If you want a more immediate effect, you can cut up a strawberry and rub a piece of it on your skin. It contains alpha-hydroxy acid, which makes it a great exfoliant.
GRAPES. They're rich in flavanoids, which boost your metabolism. Grapes also have intense antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities which fight lines and wrinkles.
PAPAYAS. Rich in vitamin C and calcium, these fruits detoxify your body, as well as keep your skin, hair, and nails looking good.
LEMONS. High in ascorbic acid content, these fruits act as antioxidants which help flush out impurities from your body. This results in clearer, more youthful-looking skin.
ORANGES. Aside from their antioxidant qualities, oranges are also rich in vitamin B1, which helps to boost your body’s immunity system. Oranges help in collagen production, helping keep the skin clear and unwrinkled.

APPLES. The high vitamin C and A content in apples ensures that eating them will keep your skin looking young. You'll look like you're glowing.
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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Happy People Make Themselves Happy Because They Have Peaceful Habits. Read on How They Do It:

22 Things Happy People Do!
> There are two types of people in the world: those who choose to be
> happy, and those who choose to be unhappy. Contrary to popular belief,
> happiness doesn’t come from fame, fortune, other people, or material
> possessions. Rather, it comes from within.
> The richest person in the world could be miserable while a homeless
> person could be right outside, smiling and content with their life.
> Happy people are happy because they make themselves happy. They
> maintain a positive outlook on life and remain at peace with themselves.
> The question is: How do they do that?"It’s quite simple. Happy people have good habits that enhance their 
> lives. They do things differently. Ask any happy person, and they will 
> tell you that they do…

1. Don’t hold grudges.

> Happy people understand that it’s better to forgive and forget than to 
> let their negative feelings crowd out their positive feelings. Holding 
> a grudge has a lot of detrimental effects on your well being, including 
> increased depression, anxiety, and stress. Why let anyone who has 
> wronged you have power over you? If you let go of all your grudges, 
> you’ll gain a clear conscience and enough energy to enjoy the good 
> things in life.

2. Treat everyone with kindness.

> Did you know that it has been scientifically proven that being kind 
> makes you happier? Every time you perform a selfless act, your brain 
> produces serotonin, a hormone that eases tension and lifts your 
> spirits. Not only that, but treating people with love, dignity, and 
> respect also allows you to build stronger relationships.

3. See problems as challenges.

> The word “problem” is never part of a happy person’s vocabulary. A 
> problem is viewed as a drawback, a struggle, or an unstable situation 
> while a challenge is viewed as something positive like an opportunity, 
> a task, or a dare. Whenever you face an obstacle, try looking at it as 
> a challenge.

4. Express gratitude for what they(I, You!) already have.

> There’s a popular saying that goes something like this: “The happiest 
> people don’t have the best of everything; they just make the best of 
> everything they have.” You will have a deeper sense of contentment if 
> you count your blessings instead of yearning for what you don’t have.

> 5. Dream big.

> People who get into the habit of dreaming big are more likely to 
> accomplish their goals than those who don’t. If you dare to dream big, 
> your mind will put itself in a focused and positive state.

6. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

> Happy people ask themselves, “Will this problem matter a year from 
> now?” They understand that life’s too short to get worked up over 
> trivial situations. Letting things roll off your back will definitely 
> put you at ease to enjoy the more important things in life.

7. Speak well of others.

> Being nice feels better than being mean. As fun as gossiping is, it 
> usually leaves you feeling guilty and resentful. Saying nice things 
> about other people encourages you to think positive, non-judgmental 
> thoughts.

8. Never make excuses.

> Benjamin Franklin once said, “He that is good for making excuses is 
> seldom good for anything else.” Happy people don’t make excuses or 
> blame others for their own failures in life. Instead, they own up to 
> their mistakes and, by doing so, they proactively try to change for the 
> better.

9. Get absorbed into the present.

> Happy people don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future. They 
> savor the present. They let themselves get immersed in whatever they’re 
> doing at the moment. Stop and smell the roses.

10. Wake up at the same time every morning.

> Have you noticed that a lot of successful people tend to be early 
> risers? Waking up at the same time every morning stabilizes your 
> circadian rhythm, increases productivity, and puts you in a calm and 
> centered state.

11. Avoid social comparison.

> Everyone works at his own pace, so why compare yourself to others? If 
> you think you’re better than someone else, you gain an unhealthy sense 
> of superiority. If you think someone else is better than you, you end 
> up feeling bad about yourself. You’ll be happier if you focus on your 
> own progress and praise others on theirs.

12. Choose friends wisely.

> Misery loves company. That’s why it’s important to surround yourself 
> with optimistic people who will encourage you to achieve your goals. 
> The more positive energy you have around you, the better you will feel 
> about yourself.

13. Never seek approval from others.

> Happy people don’t care what others think of them. They follow their 
> own hearts without letting naysayers discourage them. They understand 
> that it’s impossible to please everyone. Listen to what people have to 
> say, but never seek anyone’s approval but your own.

14. Take the time to listen.

> Talk less; listen more. Listening keeps your mind open to others’ 
> wisdom and outlook on the world. The more intensely you listen, the 
> quieter your mind gets, and the more content you feel.

15. Nurture social relationships.

> A lonely person is a miserable person. Happy people understand how 
> important it is to have strong, healthy relationships. Always take the 
> time to see and talk to your family, friends, or significant other.

16. Meditate.

> Meditating silences your mind and helps you find inner peace. You don’t 
> have to be a zen master to pull it off. Happy people know how to 
> silence their minds anywhere and anytime they need to calm their nerves.

17. Eat well.

> Junk food makes you sluggish, and it’s difficult to be happy when 
> you’re in that kind of state. Everything you eat directly affects your 
> body’s ability to produce hormones, which will dictate your moods, 
> energy, and mental focus. Be sure to eat foods that will keep your mind 
> and body in good shape.

18. Exercise.

> Studies have shown that exercise raises happiness levels just as much 
> as Zoloft does. Exercising also boosts your self-esteem and gives you a 
> higher sense of self-accomplishment.

19. Live minimally.

> Happy people rarely keep clutter around the house because they know 
> that extra belongings weigh them down and make them feel overwhelmed 
> and stressed out. Some studies have concluded that Europeans are a lot 
> happier than Americans are, which is interesting because they live in 
> smaller homes, drive simpler cars, and own fewer items.

20. Tell the truth.

> Lying stresses you out, corrodes your self-esteem, and makes you 
> unlikeable. The truth will set you free. Being honest improves your 
> mental health and builds others’ trust in you. Always be truthful, and 
> never apologize for it.

21. Establish personal control.

> Happy people have the ability to choose their own destinies. They don’t 
> let others tell them how they should live their lives. Being in 
> complete control of one’s own life brings positive feelings and a great 
> sense of self-worth.

22. Accept what cannot be changed.

> Once you accept the fact that life is not fair, you’ll be more at peace 
> with yourself. Instead of obsessing over how unfair life is, just focus 
> on what you can control and change it for the better.

Note: This e-mail came from my web friend Nicasio Illescas; a noteworthy e-mail good for sharing to the public.

'via Blog this'

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Wellness Tip for Peace: If there are particular types of people that irritate you, do not compromise your temper just to please them. If they need you, lead them and let them follow you but do not let them lead you because you will have the hard time following them

Remember in the most unbearable situations, there are only three things to do, either, you adapt, you migrate or you die. Adaptation is acceptance of the whole situation and acceptance of your capacity including your strength and weaknesses as your means to handle it. We can only adapt to the situation peacefully if we are convince deep down in our heart that we can live with our decision to adapt. But, if we are doing adapting due to the demands of others without our own personal decision and conviction, then we become unhappy, thus we are not peaceful. When we are at peace with our decision, we are at our best even in the most unbearable situation. So, before adapting to the situation, discern thoroughly if you can be productive with it. If not, you can always migrate to a new location where you can be the best of yourself without the need to compromise your virtues and principles. If, however, this is not possible also due to your limitation, we can take the last option. It is death, not meant to kill or to end life, but death to your own personal, material and emotional attachments without the need to bother other people. Detachment thoroughly and trust that nature will take care of you because you did something good. You did not kill life but you just detach to all that made your life miserable. Then, you start fresh and new. Do not worry, because you take care of life, good karma will come back. People and new friends will also take care of you until you become ready to compete with life once more.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wellness Tip for Peace: Be particular, be very "particular" because that is the sign of professionalism. Recall your unprofessionalism in your life and use it to understand the people around you. But now that you are a professional, you have the standards already on the kind of people you can work with. Maintain your standards and do not give in to emotional blackmail.

If there are people who did not pass your standards but is begging you or harrassing you, don't get angry and do not fall into their emotional strategies. Keep your standards and refer them to to those you think are qualified enough to handle them. As you maintain your standards, you get a certain amount of power and control to yourself. Now with power comes certain amount of responsibilities. One of your responsibility is to widen your contacts and improve your networks. So look for more people who will fit-in to your network, so by the time that people ask for your help, you can always refer them them to people you know who can help them

Wellness Tip for Peace: Work is not just keeping a job but keeping all your relationship harmoniously working. We do this by striking the balance everytime. It requires discipline on time management, detachment from negative thoughts, personal conviction to keep and not to end the relationship, avoiding gossips, respect for the other person's privacy and trusting the silence in between

The smallest output of the whole process of making the relationship work will raise the hope that in everything we do to all the relationship we have will always give us the best of everything in life! Remember our hope is where our heart is, so when we put our heart into our "works", we will never run out of hope!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Classify people not by economic status or cultural level of Class A, B, C or D, but rather classify people by the development of their humanity. Those who work for peace are humans, and those who work for violence are subhumans. Peace work is mastering the discipline of taming the passion for the mind to rule over adverse reaction. Peace work is allowing virtues to dominate the heart instead of allowing crooked reasoning to take over the soul

Subhumans are dominated by emotions and react instinctively according to the spur of the moment. To deal with subhumans is to define the rules and to implement these rules requires for the peace leader to detach from his/her own emotions over them. Subhumans only knows two things, love and hate. You love them and they will love you back. You hate them and they will hate you back. Only the subhumans will spend their enrgy, time, resources and talents to work for violence. It is the responsibility of the peace leader to take care of these subhumans and develop their potentialto full humanity. It will take a lot of time to do so, training them is not that easy. But, do not fret, just proceed and be consistent with your virtue always. As you train these subhumans to peace work, they will start to open the dimensionality of their mind and once you open it, it will become a never-ending discussion on human development. You introduce them to citical thinking until they themselves realized the significance of peace work. Let them do their own analysis on why peace is the highest form of humanity making them different and above the beast. Once you did this, you achieved the transformation of one subhuman to the real "human"

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Respect to Human Dignity is the foundation of the bridge that holds our Peace. We treat other people the way we treat ourself. If we are very particular with manners and good conduct, we extend that treatment to people that we meet and interact with everyday. If we are not so particular with proper decorum, we also treat people casually as such. But the problem is other people do not feel the same way we feel, they have their own set of standards in dealing with people, in the same way we also have our own. To hold the Peace within our self and with them is to be extremely cautious with Respect to Human Dignity.

Do not assume that you will be understood. Do not conclude that what you have in mind is what they have in mind. Politely, ask and be sensitive to the way the other person wants to be treated, and respect that. Do not judge that your standard is better. Do not make conclusions on people's attitudes. Just respect and let them know that you really do not just with words but with your actions. Let this respect serves as the foundation to stengthen the bridge of friendship, then leave everything to nature to flow naturally.

Respect to Human Dignity is the foundation of the bridge that holds our Peace. We treat other people the way we treat ourself. If we are very particular with manners and good conduct, we extend that treatment to people that we meet and interact with everyday. If we are not so particular with proper decorum, we also treat people casually as such. But the problem is other people do not feel the same way we feel, they have their own set of standards in dealing with people, in the same way we also have our own. To hold the Peace within our self and with other them is to be extremely cautious with Respect to Human Dignity.

Do not assume that you will be understood. Do not conclude that what you have in mind is what they have in mind. Politely, ask and be snesitive to the way the other person wants to be treated, and respect that. Do not judge that your standard is better. Do not nmake conclusions on people's attitudes. Just respect and let them know that you really do not just with words but with your actions. Let this respect serves as the foundation to stengthen the bridge of friendship, then leave everything to nature to flow naturally.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The 2013 year of Snake is Water Snake, Water Snakes are lucky with finances, they always seem to have money flowing their way. They are adventurous spirits and love to take risks. They are also very intelligent and often a wellspring of creative ideas. Water Snakes love to socialize and meet new friends.They are proud of their achievements, and also very thoughtful and considerate of others. The colour of the 2013 year of Snake is Black. Black color is the Space, Arctic night, darkness on the Abyss, this is a color of deep waters. The Black Snake will bring people unexpected changes, instability, and changeability. That is why it is important in the year of Snake to plan everything beforehand, and evaluate adequately before taking any actions. You need to be more careful and cautious than ever.

The Introduction of 2013 Year of Snake 2013 is the year of the black Snake begins on February 10th shortly after the New moon in Aquarius, the humanitarian of the zodiac. This 2013 year of Snake is meant for steady progress and attention to detail. Focus and discipline will be necessary for you to achieve what you set out to create. The Snake is the sixth sign of the Chinese Zodiac, which consists of 12 Animal Signs. It is the enigmatic, intuitive, introspective, refined and collected of the Animals Signs. Ancient Chinese wisdom says a Snake in the house is a good omen because it means that your family will not starve. The Overall Trend in 2013 Year of Snake The 2013 Snake of year has ability to read complicated situation quickly in a controlled manner which is good for business. Signing documents of any kind requires very thorough attention. 2013 horoscope predict it is a good year to begin important detail work. Research and investigation are supported. The Snake has sneaky energy that can be to your advantage. Look for the holes in the loop. A new-found ambition to greatness will inspire you to be all you can be, and provide you with the follow through to actually achieve your goals, And, 2013 year of the Snake also supports added responsibility, But 2013 Snake need to watch for fanatical commitments since Snakes inclination to spend money quickly than earn them may produce tensions in personal relationships. Create a safe space to work from this 2013 year. The Snake likes protection, needs to feel safe and secure to utilize its special analytical skills. This is the year to make headway in slow and methodical ways. Things will definitely be accomplished as you focus forward. Other Details of 2013 Year of Snake 1. Ideal compatibility with: Ox and Rooster. 2. More or less compatible with: Rat, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep. 3. Absolutely incompatible with: Tiger and Pig. 4. Lucky colors for the Snake: Yellow, Red 5. Lucky directions for the Snake: Southwest, Northeast 6. Lucky numbers for the Snake: 2, 4, 7, and 9. Read more:

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