Sunday, February 23, 2014

WELLNESS TIP: DO NOT FORGET TO FORGIVE AND YOU CAN SLEEP WELL. Like cats, Cats sleep an average of 12 to 16 hours a day. It's a predator thing. They don't need to graze all day. Plus, it's a lot of work to chase down prey, so when they're not looking for something to eat, they're saving energy for the hunt ... even if their next meal is coming out of a can. - Financial Animals: 8 Pets Who Can Teach Us Money Lessons

Financial Animals: 8 Pets Who Can Teach Us Money Lessons:

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WELLNESS TIP: BE NOT AFRAID TO START THINGS ALL OVER-AGAIN AND MAKE A BRAND NEW START.You can start over, too, even when it may seem like it's too late or you're in too deep. If you're in debt, you can make a plan to get out of it. If your job is dragging you down, you can change careers at any age—people do it successfully in their forties and beyond. None of it's easy, but it's worth it to get a fresh start.

Financial Animals: 8 Pets Who Can Teach Us Money Lessons:

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WELLNESS TIP: DON'T SPOIL YOUR KID/ WIFE/ HUSBAND. Beware of the dangers of showering your kids with everything they want—and then some. Even giving them an allowance can be a mistake if you don't do it right. Children need to learn how to make hard choices about actual needs versus wants, as well as understand the importance of delayed gratification. - Financial Animals: 8 Pets Who Can Teach Us Money Lessons

Financial Animals: 8 Pets Who Can Teach Us Money Lessons: "problem "

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#WED is Wellness in Environment Day TV show copyrighted in 2010 conceptualized & hosted by AmbassadorZara Jane Juan Wellness Pilipinas International News & Media Network

  WED presents UNESCO World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education “Early investment for better learning and brighter future” 14...