Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wellness Tip for Peace: Good Friends Can Keep You Healthy

Good Friends Can Keep You Healthy | ThirdAge: "An Australian study conducted by the Centre for Aging at Flinders University followed nearly 1,500 older people for 10 years. It found that those who had a large network of friends outlived by 22 percent those with the fewest friends.

The authors of the study suspect that good friends discourage unhealthy habits such as smoking and heavy drinking. And the companionship provided by friends may ward off depression, boost self-esteem, and provide support. As you might have noticed in your own life, when we age, we become more selective in our choice of friends; so we spend more time with people we truly like. Thus, our friendships tend to be less stressful than they might have been when we were younger."

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Tip: Eat Omega Rich Foods & Exercise to Beat SADness (Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

How to Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder Page 3 | ThirdAge: "Eat a diet rich in Omega3s and other essential nutrients. Get enough sleep.  And – you knew this was coming – exercise regularly. An active lifestyle helps releases your endorphins and increase your levels of serotonin and melatonin"

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Tip: Take time to Meditate & Allot time to Socialize to beat SADness (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

How to Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder Page 2 | ThirdAge: "Mind-body therapies Many people say they are helped by acupuncture, Yoga, meditation, and massage therapy. These treatments are certainly worth a try. Socialize Sitting home alone and brooding will only worsen your mood. Push yourself to get out and about. Having a good laugh with friends and family"

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Tip: Expose yourself to BRIGHT LIGHT & Beat SADness (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

How to Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder Page 2 | ThirdAge: "Light therapy Also called phototherapy, this involves sitting a few feet from a box that exposes you to a special light that can increase the levels of the brain chemicals that have been depleted. You'll generally need two to four days of this to feel a difference. "

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Why are you SAD? Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

How to Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder | ThirdAge: "Circadian rhythms are disrupted. Your body's internal biological clock that lets you know when you should sleep and when you should wake up is thrown out of kilter. The resulting sleep disturbances and feelings of disorientation can contribute to depression. 

Serotonin and melatonin levels plummet.The supply of two of your brain's most important "happy chemicals" dwindles during the long, dark days of winter. That may trigger symptoms such as anxiety, hopelessness, fatigue, worthlessness, irritability, trouble concentrating, memory lapses, restlessness, and loss of interest or pleasure in activities you typically enjoy."

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wellness Tip for Peace: Letting Go of Grudge: You can't change what happened, but you can change your attitude & interpretation of what happened

"FORGIVE. Remind yourself that you’re not perfect. How many times have you made a mistake? Finally, letting go of a grudge doesn’t mean you’re condoning a hurtful action, or excusing bad behavior, it means you’re moving on so that you can put emotional control back in your own hands."

'via Blog this'Eight Ways To Let Go Of A Grudge Page 2 | ThirdAge:

Dressing Up Tip: Look Good for Less: Rule of Thumb for Saving: Estimate how many Seasons your going to Wear that for...

"In the business world, men are often judged by their shoes while women are judged on their handbags. Men need to stay away from the gum-soled shoes and splurge for a good pair of shoes that can be repaired and be kept polished. Women can go with one or two good pairs of pumps but can save money on the trendy shoes that come and go with each passing fashion season."

'via Blog this'5 Ways to Look Good for Less | ThirdAge:

Monday, December 12, 2011

Wellness Tip: Prevent Heart Attack: Your Belly Size should be Less than Half of Your Height

Best Health Advice From Dr. Oz Page 3 | ThirdAge: "He pointed out that the endurance you have at 17 can be maintained through physical exercise until you are 65. And he gave a tip that your belly size should be less than half of your height. The big issue, he said, is how much muscle you have compared to how much fat you have. “Muscles burn calories even when they are not exercising. You must do exercise including weight lifting, exercises with deep breathing like yoga, tai chi.” He concluded that to keep your bones strong, your brain cells functioning, and to live long and maintain your strength, you must exercise at every stage of your life. "

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

External Beauty Tips: For Healthy & Younger Looking Skin

> "Get a little rough. “To keep skin cells active and awake, gently slap your face all over. This strategy improves circulation, which in turn helps remove toxic wastes,” reveals Dr. Obagi. “Your skin is pretty resilient—it can handle more than a little pinkie tap.”

> Shorten your shower. “Hot water sucks the life out of skin, promoting water and electrolyte loss,” Dr. Obagi explains. “When your skin is dehydrated, it becomes taut and irritated and looks older. Cleanse with tepid water, and shower only once a day. Keep showers speedy—10 minutes, max—and apply a good body lotion while your skin is still damp.”"

'via Blog this' Surprising Tips From a Top Dermatologist | ThirdAge:

> Reverse your age overnight. “Some of the best skincare ingredients are deactivated by sunlight, so it’s pointless to apply them during the day,” Dr. Obagi says. “At night, your skin cells renew themselves with retinol, surface repair agents, and anti-inflammatory agents. My Ommerse Overnight Recovery Crème does the work for you as you sleep by employing ceramides to rebuild the skin’s barrier function and protect against inflammation.”

> Catch some beauty Zzz’s. “Getting fewer than 7-8 hours of sleep will cause premature aging, as well as dark circles and puffiness under the eyes,” Dr. Obagi cautions. “Your skin will look much more relaxed and healthy if you’re well rested.”

Zein Obagi, M.D., a Diplomat at the American Board of Dermatology and a Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology, is world-renowned for his unique approach to anti-aging skin care. He has maintained a practice at his Obagi Skin Health Institute in Beverly Hills since 1981. Dr. Obagi created ZO Skin Health and his original Obagi Nu-Derm System which he has taught to other dermatologists in training sessions around the globe. Please

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