Friday, June 20, 2014


.नमस्ते Namaste The Spirit in me respects the spirit in you ........ Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh  السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ  May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you..............Peace be with you............. Amituofo    Amitabha Buddha Let's do an act of goodness today!......... Let's Pray the Prayer for Peace wherever you are..........God bless your day whatever your mood maybe. May the angels guide you and protect you from harm. If you are travelling, may you find the road and arrive at your destinations safely If trouble comes along the way, may it turn into blessings favorable to all. May you meet new friends and may the old ones stay. May the love of our Divine Creator fill your emptiness. and may you feel it in the vastness of the universe. If u get so tired today, may you find time to look up at the sky, feel the air, recharge and rejuvenate. And in all the things you did today, may your faith increase. May you be inspired by the diversity of people's personalities, and be grateful that you were granted the chance to lead them. And at the end of the day tonight as you rest, may you be thankful for all the blessings that this day had; and pray to forgive those who offended you. Amen."

We educate Wellness for Peace Education at home, at school and at workplace
We innovate Businesses to Sustainable Ecology for Climate Change Peace Building
We initiate Prayers for Peace who ever you are, where every you are, and whatever you do!

JOIN! PEACE VIGIL! PLEASE CALL 63-926-678-7938. E-mail:
Thank you! Peace & Love! God bless you!

Ambassador Zara Jane Juan
Internet Journalist & Peace Ambassador, UN International Day of Peace, Sailing for Peace Worldwide
Author & Resource Speaker, Wellness for Peace Education on Climate Change
Proponent, Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation Worldwide Campaign

Peace Vigil 2014

.नमस्ते Namaste The Spirit in me respects the spirit in you ........ Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh  السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ  May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you..............Peace be with you............. Amituofo    Amitabha Buddha Let's do an act of goodness today!......... Let's Pray the Prayer for Peace wherever you are..........God bless your day whatever your mood maybe. May the angels guide you and protect you from harm. If you are travelling, may you find the road and arrive at your destinations safely If trouble comes along the way, may it turn into blessings favorable to all. May you meet new friends and may the old ones stay. May the love of our Divine Creator fill your emptiness. and may you feel it in the vastness of the universe. If u get so tired today, may you find time to look up at the sky, feel the air, recharge and rejuvenate. And in all the things you did today, may your faith increase. May you be inspired by the diversity of people's personalities, and be grateful that you were granted the chance to lead them. And at the end of the day tonight as you rest, may you be thankful for all the blessings that this day had; and pray to forgive those who offended you. Amen."

We educate Wellness for Peace Education at home, at school and at workplace
We innovate Businesses to Sustainable Ecology for Climate Change Peace Building
We initiate Prayers for Peace who ever you are, where every you are, and whatever you do!

JOIN! PEACE VIGIL! PLEASE CALL 63-926-678-7938. E-mail:
Thank you! Peace & Love! God bless you!

Ambassador Zara Jane Juan
Internet Journalist & Peace Ambassador, UN International Day of Peace, Sailing for Peace Worldwide
Author & Resource Speaker, Wellness for Peace Education on Climate Change
Proponent, Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation Worldwide Campaign

WELLNESS TIP: BUSINESS: Learn How to Manage, Strategize, Create Culture; Inspire; Prioritize; Juggle; Plan, Execute, Make Smart Decisions; Adapt & Win!

10 Things Real Leaders Do - Yahoo She Philippines: "Manage. Yes, leadership and management are different. Hallelujah. Whether it’s managing their company’s organization, brand, products, customer experience, operations, finances, whatever, business leaders spend most of their time managing. Leadership is a skill set. Manage is what they do. 

Strategize. In the old days, the big buzzword was invention. Then it was innovation. Now it’s improvement. Whatever. If you want to lead in business, you have to come up with a unique solution to a big problem that people are willing to pay for. You can call that Sylvester if you like, but I call it strategy. 

Create culture. The root of the word culture is cult. Steve Jobs created a unique, cult-like culture at Apple. Likewise John Mackey at Whole Foods and the original Trader Joe … Joe Coulombe, that is. If you’ve never been to Google, check out the movie The Internship. Great leaders are not cast in a mold. They break the mold.

Inspire. We all need inspiration at times, but real leaders are usually inspired by their lives, which typically revolve around work and family. And since their job is to inspire and motivate others, they tend to have a pretty big source of it inside. If you’re in constant need of inspiration, you’re probably not leadership material.

Prioritize. Before everyone became so obsessed with personal improvement, productivity, and time management, real executives and business leaders learned to prioritize their time. And they prioritize their organization’s time by setting direction and goals, as well. That’s how the work gets done on time.

Juggle. No matter how well you prioritize or delegate, when your business is growing, you’ve got to keep a lot of balls up in the air. And if you’re not growing, you’re stagnating. For CEOs, especially in high-growth industries, multitasking is just a way of life … and I don’t mean tweeting while watching a YouTube video.

Plan, execute, adapt. There’s a three-part cycle to operating just about any business: plan, execute, adapt. In the beginning it’s mostly ad-hoc, but the bigger a company gets and the faster it needs to scale, the more formalized its operating processes must be.

Make smart decisions. Life is full of decisions but the vast majority – like what to eat for dinner or which phone to buy – aren’t super critical. Business is not the same because, unlike food choices, competitive markets are essentially zero-sum games. The bigger your title, the more critical your decisions. Great leaders make smart decisions.

Win. Just about any type of human performance is described by a bell-curve. Every field has its top performers, its bottom performers, and everything in between. Leadership is no different. Good leaders win more than they lose. Great leaders consistently beat the competition. That’s just what they do, and they do it better than anyone else.

Bottom line: Leaders lead and followers follow. It’s not complicated – you’re either one or the other. Which are you?"

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WELLNESS TIP: BUSINESS: Know that haters are going to hate. When creating online content, you have to have thick skin.

How Entrepreneurs Can Cope With Rejection Online | "Whether you’re dealing with trolls or people who need to correct or question every single word you type, you can’t please everyone. If you get upset at every negative comment, you’re not going to last very long.

While some comments may bring a mistake to your attention (extremely helpful), others people just want to cause trouble or try to prove that they are superior to you. Don’t lose any sleep over such cranks or sink to their level. That’s just how the online world works. Everyone has a voice and an opinion. Accept it and don’t take it personally."

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WELLNESS TIP: BUSINESS: To Meet Somebody Too Busy to See You, First Study Them Online

To Meet Somebody Too Busy to See You, First Study Them Online - Yahoo She Philippines: "Speculation takes time and time is money. Nine times out of 10, speculative meetings do not yield any ROI, especially in the short-term. So working with the assumption that a busy person (aka, “the target”) isn’t going to take a speculative meeting, the upstart entrepreneur needs to do something remarkable: they need to make the meeting request impossible to decline. They need to identify the target’s favorite spot."

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WELLNESS TIP: PARENTING: Kids with freer schedules are better able to meet goals

Kids with freer schedules are better able to meet goals: study - Yahoo She Philippines: "According to senior author Yuko Munakata, CU-Boulder psychology and neuroscience professor, over-structuring could interfere with the development of "self-directed executive function," a scientific term referring to independent, proactive thinking and decision-making.
"Executive function is extremely important for children," says Munakata. "It helps them in all kinds of ways throughout their daily lives, from flexibly switching between different activities rather than getting stuck on one thing, to stopping themselves from yelling when angry, to delaying gratification.""

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Thursday, June 19, 2014

ECONOMICS: Hold Your Power Within Yourself and Become Better Savers

Why People Who Embrace Power Make Better Savers: "new study found that people who feel powerful (defined by having control over valuable resources) are more likely to save money as a means of maintaining that power. And if you’re not feeling very powerful at the moment? Don’t fret. Fortunately, feelings of power are subjective and malleable—so there’s still room to change your mind, and therefore your savings habits."

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#WED is Wellness in Environment Day TV show copyrighted in 2010 conceptualized & hosted by AmbassadorZara Jane Juan Wellness Pilipinas International News & Media Network

  WED presents UNESCO World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education “Early investment for better learning and brighter future” 14...