Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Wellness Tip for Peace: Holidays are Demanding. Practice Mindfulness Relaxation & Have Healthy Distraction to Manage Stress Level & Avoid Addictions

"In addition to the holidays, we live in a society where there are multiple demands on us almost all the time. We need to put greater emphasis on protective factors like sitting down with the family or exercising or putting away all the electronic devices. We also need to focus on mindfulness which we all do in some form or another. Having hobbies is one as well as relaxation. They all provide healthy distractions on stress and allow us to focus on oneself. So as you struggle to find the best bargains, what meals to prepare and who to invite for the holidays, you should take a moment to remember what the holidays is about. It is to share joy with friends, families and others. Make sure you take breathers in your busy schedules to practice stress reductions techniques"

'via Blog this'Healthy Living: Holiday Stress - WABI TV5: