Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tip: To be Physically Fit, Mentally Calm & Emotionally Steady, Accept that Everything Changes but Maintain "Point of Reference Acknowledging Changes"

"The awareness that everything changes -- the body undergoes changes and so does the mind -- brings a sense of equanimity within us. The mind is the sense of perception in our consciousness and the thoughts that change all the time. Likewise, the intellect, memory, and ego also change with time. But there is something within us that does not change -- it is the point of reference through which we are able to recognize that everything else changes. This subtlest, unchanging aspect of our existence is the self. The ancient science of Ayurveda deems that a person cannot be called truly healthy, until one is in touch with this subtlest aspect, and there is harmony among the different layers of existence. This knowledge of the self helps one live in the present moment and be in a state of perfect health."

'via Blog this'Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: 5 Steps to Healthier Living: