Thursday, November 27, 2014

TIP: Gratitude Encourages Patience, Self-Control & Forward-Focused Outlook when it comes to your money

That’s according to some interesting research from professors at Northeastern University, the University of California Riverside and Harvard University. In their study, 75 participants were assigned to one of three groups: The first was asked to spend five minutes writing about an experience that made them feel grateful, the second was tasked with writing about something that left them feeling happy, and the third was asked to focus on the events of a typical day. Next, they were asked to make a series of choices that would either result in receiving an amount of cash immediately or a greater sum in the future. Those in a happy or neutral mood opted for instant gratification: On average, they required $55 up front to forgo receiving $85 in three months. However, the grateful group exhibited significantly more patience and self-control, needing $63 to give up future gain—a 12% difference over the other groups.