"Sustainable Peace Formula of Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan for the Generations X, Y, Z, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta in support of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations" -sailing for peace
Friday, July 27, 2012
Wellness Tip for Peace: Balance the physical world and spiritual world with social interaction and meditation. But, when you feel that you submerged yourself too much to any of those, find your own private corner, and just be free to let your thoughts go until you've gained yourself back. Avoid being brainwashed by any ideals to keep your balance always
Every idea has a face value, and every idea, no matter how odd it may seem, has its place, if not now, but maybe in the future. So, don't get carried away by any idealism. Be firm with what you need and live with it >"ethically" according to the society where you currently belong. Choose your "legally correct" profession and practice it professionally, then enjoy the fruits of your labor. Be concerned with others, not just out of compassion, but as a responsibility to co-exist in this small planet. Give what you can give, but do not give what you do not have, to save your health and your sanity. Peace is kindness but not stupidity. Always pursue for the continuation of life and do not work for the promotion of death. Peace is a way to pursue life, thus if you work for peace, you will always promote life.