Thursday, May 17, 2012

Wellness Tip for Peace: Regulate a Child's Emotion & Contribute to a Mentally Healthy & Peaceful Future

"It helps with the brain development that we need in order to have that stable foundation for going into adulthood, and dealing with the challenges that we face in adulthood. Being able to regulate our emotions, being able to know how to trust people, and how to develop relationships. All of those are skills that we need to negotiate adulthood," Copenhaver said."

'via Blog this'Healthy relationships help shape infant mental helath : News : "They can't talk back yet, but parental communication and nurturing is key to healthy baby. That's according to Melissa Copenhaver, a nurse who was at Peter White Public Library Thursday. She explained how early healthy relationships between caregivers and babies pave the way for a mentally-sound future.