Thursday, June 28, 2012

My passion to live the beauty of life goes where my heart is for "heart cannot be seperated from fire or beauty from the eternal"

I am a very passionate person. I feel the situation so close. There are no boundaries to me. Distance does not keep me from loving, neither conflict of personalities. I give in to the motion of emotion. To love is to forget to think but just to let love take its course.... freely, without reservation, without standards, without thinking what lies ahead at the end of the line.

This I've learned as I coursed through my journey of being attuned to myself and to the people I really care about. But mind you, this whole thing of loving freely is alien to me way back then. Then, when I was always angry because people doesn't put up to my standards. Then, way back, I think too much. So I forgot to love. Commitment to me then entails the same commitment to the people I hold my commitment. I stay because they stay. I love because they love. And the whole thing makes me happy? No, it didn't!

What I've learned in the course of my life journey is this. You know you really love when you don't care! Not that you don't care anymore to the people you love but you don't care anymore who they are, what they are, what they do, who are they with, what does it take, etc. I've realized that "real" love is liberating. Love is when you are free! To be free is to love! It is the freedom from the bondage of what other people think, on what others will say, on what the future holds. What matters is just the importance and significance of the feeling of loving at a certain moment and time for no one knows what will really happen next. I wish to live the beauty of life and I can only live it fully when I'm free! And I can only be free when I let myself love freely!

Sounds really ideal. And I guess, few will agree with me, especially when one tries to protect his/her status quo. Loving is risk, and risk is everything. Loving is the alternative choice to fighting. Loving instead of hating. Love instead of War. The choice is ours, but both has its effects. War is death and Love is life. If we end, we let death take its victory. If we pursue, we let life have its way...

If we love, we let go of the control and we let love take its control... until we are ready to go where nature will lead us. We feel every moment of it, near or far, wherever we are, we live, we breath, we feel, and we let our heart live freely