Thursday, July 12, 2012

Wellness Tip for Peace: In the law of faith, love resides in our heart. It is perfected with hope so that good will be done by the soul and be healed without fear

Keep the faith, drop the fear. Easier said than done, and that's why, love needs to come in. We cannot start to have faith if we don't want to love, and we cannot continue having faith if we do not want to pursue loving. To love is not to care on who the person is, not anymore. To decide to love the person is to accept whoever he/she is, doesn't care anymore on what people say or what the society dictates. It is just love, no judgements, no demands, no expectations, no standards, no qualification, no analysis, no experimentation, nothing but just love. If a person reached this conviction, then faith has a place in the person's heart. Once loving is taking place, faith is being harness, not with any material or physical thing, but something that only the person who love has it -- and that is hope.

While loving unconditionally, hope is alive in the person's will to do good. Eventually the person who love will reach the level that his/her fear has melted and what remains are multiple lights of hope flashing and shining in the person/s faith to get what he/she wants at the soonest possible time!

Everything is possible because there is faith!

So, do you want to get what you want? Have faith. To start with, learn how to love and everything will follow naturally...