Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wellness Tip for Peace: Don't stereotype them as Antagonistic, consider reasons for their negative response. Be diligent. Take time to communicate with them your pure intention. Do not expect them to conform w/u right away. Be consistent because your actions will inspire them to believe you

There are people whose DNA factor and chemical composition produces a doubtful personality. While others were raised by their family or community to be "always" analytical of other people's intention. When you encounter this kind of situation, be ready not to dwell into self-pity of seeing the whole scenario as unfavorable or calling everyone as antagonistic. It is not healthy, I know, and it takes a thick skinned to swallow all the insults of those who do not believe in you. What I intend to say is to see the whole situation as given, it is not personal, it is not because of you that they are like that, but it is who they are, before they met you. Now, we cannot change these people, but we can always change the way we look at them. If we avoid the negative thoughts and we keep our heart pure, we can still deal with them as professional human being.

How? Stop analyzing the person's behavior. Stop analyzing the person's background. Stop analyzing the kind of relationship your having with them. Treat these people as innocent humans. Stop being a judge and start being a communicator. Tell your intentions in the language that these people can understand. Educate.

Miscommunication happens when the other lost the interest to communicate the thoughts in a manner that the other person can understand. Remember, different people, different strokes. We cannot compare one from the other, or worst, we cannot compare ourselves to others, because doing so is vanity.

Communication is an art form. We craft the art in such a way that it can cater to a particular person as our audience. As an art form, communication will require skills to do so. Skills can be harnessed in time. So, don't get frustrated. If at one point, you were misunderstood, try again. If it is not yet working, try again. Until you still have the pure energy to do so, try again. Because you do not know when is the right time that these people can really understand what you "really" mean.

Do not expect because you do not control their mind. Just be fair and treat them well by not judging them.