Friday, November 2, 2018

For Parents & Teachers: How to Teach with Discipline the Value of Money to Children

1. Understanding how money works
2. The difference between an asset and a liability
3. They’re not entitled to anything
4. How to be sociable and connect with other people
5. Stop expecting immediate results and avoid magical thinking
6. How to create daily habits that on the long run, give them incredible advantages
7. Money is a tool and a good thing
8. Increase income instead of lowering expenses
9. Knowledge is more valuable than money in the long run
10. Don’t work for money, have it work for you
11. Solving problems is the quickest way to get rich
12. Don’t waste time on things that do not correlate to the real world
13. How to use good debt instead of bad debt
14. 80% of results come from 20% of effort
15. Having money does not make you a better person, it just solve some of the problems

#WED is Wellness in Environment Day TV show copyrighted in 2010 conceptualized & hosted by AmbassadorZara Jane Juan Wellness Pilipinas International News & Media Network

  WED presents UNESCO World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education “Early investment for better learning and brighter future” 14...